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Xi Jinping: Development of new productivity is the inherent requirements and important efforts to promote high -quality development
2024-06-04 13:52 The official website of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education    (Click: )
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The eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee today,The content is solidly promoting high -quality development,The purpose is to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Central Economic Work Conference,Summarize the achievement of high -quality development in the new era,Analysis of outstanding contradictions and problems,Explore improvement measures,New breakthroughs in promoting high -quality development。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,We fully implement the new development concept,Constantly deepen the understanding of the phased characteristics and laws of my country's economic development,More emphasis on the high quality of development,The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China announced that "my country's economy has shifted 188bet review from a high -speed growth stage to a high -quality development stage",The 20th National Congress of the Party emphasizes that "high -quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modern country"。Since the new era,The Party Central Committee makes a series of major decision -making deployments,Promoting high -quality development into the consensus and conscious action of the whole society,High -quality development into the main theme。In recent years,my country ’s scientific and technological innovation results are abundant,Innovation -driven development has become increasingly effective; coordination of development of urban and rural areas、Balancedness is significantly enhanced; comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up,Dynamic vitality competes for dynamic vitality; green low -carbon transformation has achieved significant results,Development method changes accelerate,High -quality development has achieved obvious results。

At the same time,A large existence of restricting high -quality development factors。From the external environment,The world's 100 years of unscrupulous changes、Deep acceleration evolution。From the internal conditions,Key core technologies in some areas of our country have not changed the situation of people in some areas.,The gap between the development and income distribution of urban and rural areas is still large,Finding high -quality development of economy and society。From the perspective of work promotion,Some leading cadres do not recognize,In actual work, I encountered contradictions and difficulties and habitually returned to pursuing extensive expansion、Old roads of inefficient development; some leading cadres concepts are old,It is called promoting high -quality development、Actually "new bottles of old wine"; some leading cadres have insufficient ability,Facing a new challenge for a new environment at home and abroad,I don’t know how to promote high -quality development,, etc.。For these problems,188bet casino review Pay attention to,Holly solved。We must keep in mind that high -quality development is the hard path of the new era,Full、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,Let's speed up the construction of a modern economic system、Promote high -level technology self -reliance、Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern、Coordinated to promote deep reform and high levels of openness、Strategic tasks such as high -quality development and high -level security are in place,Improve the assessment and evaluation system that promotes high -quality development,Play the foundation for promoting high -quality development。

Development new quality productivity is the inherent requirements and important focus of promoting high -quality development。Here,I will talk about some knowledge here。

Since July last year,I am in Sichuan、Heilongjiang、Zhejiang、Guangxi and other places for investigation and investigation,Proposal to integrate scientific and technological innovation resources,Leading the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries,Accelerate the formation of new productive forces。mid -December,At the Central Economic Work Conference,I also proposed to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation,Especially for disruptive technology and cutting -edge technology to give birth to new industries、New mode、New momentum,Develop new productive forces。I propose the concept of new productivity and the major task of developing new quality productivity,The main consideration is: productivity is the fundamental motivation of the development of human society,It is also the ultimate reason for all social changes and political changes。High -quality development requires new productivity theory to guide,and the new productive productivity has formed and showed a strong driving force for high -quality development、Supporting force,Need to summarize theoretically、Summary,Used to guide new development practice。

What is new productive forces、How to develop 188bet casino review new quality productive forces? I have been thinking,Also noticed some research results in the academic world。Generally speaking,New productivity is the leading role of innovation,Get rid of traditional economic growth methods、Productivity Development Path,Have high -tech、Efficient energy、High -quality features,Advanced productive forces that conform to the new development concept。It breaks through the technological revolutionary breakthrough、Innovative configuration of production factor、Industry in -depth transformation and upgrading and giving birth,workers、Labor Information、Labor objects and their optimized combinations jump to basic connotation,Significantly increased the productivity of the whole factor as the core logo,Features is innovation,The key lies in quality,essentially advanced productivity。

The significant feature of new productivity is innovation,Innovation in both the level of technology and business mode,It also includes innovation at the level of management and institutional level。You must continue to do a good job of innovation.,Promoting new productive productivity to accelerate development。

First,Vigorously promote technological innovation。New productivity is mainly formed by the technological revolutionary breakthrough。Technology innovation can give birth to new industries、New mode、New momentum,is the core element of developing new productivity。This requires us to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, especially original、Undverted technological innovation,Accelerate the realization of high -level technology self -reliance。To implement the strategy of science and education and educate the country、Talent Strategy、Innovation -driven development strategy,Adhere to the "Four Files",Strengthen national strategic technology forces,Organized originality of organizing strategic orientation、Basic Studies。Focus on the needs of national strategy and economic and social development reality,Key common sense 188bet mobile app android technology、Frontier Leading Technology、Modern Engineering Technology、Undverted technological innovation is a breakthrough,Give full play to the advantages of the new national system,Fighting key core technologies for tackling the battle,Make originality、Undverted scientific and technological innovation results compete for emergence,Undverted scientific and technological innovation results compete for emergence。

Second,Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation。The technological achievements are transformed into real productivity,The expression form is a new industry、Promote the depth of the industry's depth transformation and upgrade。So,We need to apply scientific and technological innovation results to the specific industry and industrial chain in time,Transformation and improvement of traditional industries,Layout to build future industries,Layout to build future industries,Improve the modern industrial system。It is necessary to focus on the development of new productivity layout industrial chain,Promote the shortcoming industry supplement、advantageous industry extension chain、Traditional Industry Lift Chain、Emerging Industry Chain,Improve the toughness and security level of the supply chain supply chain,Ensure that the industrial system is autonomous and controllable、Safe and reliable。It is necessary to promote the promotion of new industrialization and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power、Quality Strong Country、Internet power、Digital China and other strategic tasks,Scientific layout scientific and technological innovation、Industrial Innovation。To vigorously develop the digital economy,Promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy,Create a digital industry cluster with international competitiveness。To build a target of agricultural power,Increase the seed industry、Application of scientific and technological innovation and innovation achievements in agricultural machinery,Promote modern agricultural development with innovation technology,Guarantee national food security。

Third,Focus on promoting the development of development 188bet online sports betting methods。Green development is the background color of high -quality development,New productive productivity itself is green productivity。We must accelerate the development method of green transformation,Help carbon peak carbon neutralization。To firmly establish and practice the concept of Jinshan Yinshan,firmly go to ecological priority、The Road to Green Development。Accelerate green scientific and technological innovation and advanced green technology promotion and application,strong green manufacturing,Develop green service industry,Growing the green energy industry,Develop a green low -carbon industry and supply chain,Constructing a green low -carbon cycle economic system。Continuous optimization economic policy tool box for green and low -carbon development,Give play to the traction effect of green finance,Create high -efficiency ecological green industrial cluster。At the same time,Vigorously advocate green and healthy lifestyle in the whole society。

Fourth,Solid the innovation of institutional mechanism。Production relations must be compatible with the requirements of productivity development。Develop new productive forces,We must further deepen the reform,Forms a new type of production relationship that is compatible with it。New productivity requires both government advanced planning guidance、Scientific policy support,It also needs market mechanism adjustment、Enterprises and other micro -subjects are constantly innovating,It is formed by the government's "tangible hand" and the market "invisible hand"。So,To deepen the economic system、Reform of the science and technology system,Strive to open up the block card and point of the development of new quality product development,Establish a high standard market system,Innovation production factors configuration method,Let all kinds of advanced and high -quality production factor flow flow smoothly to the development of new quality。At the same time,To expand high levels of openness,Create a good international environment for the development of new quality。

188bet review Fifth,Deepen the talent work mechanism innovation。It is necessary to follow the requirements of new productivity,Unblocked Education、Technology、The benign cycle of talent,Improve talent training、Introduction、Use、Reasonable flowing working mechanism。New trends according to the development of science and technology,Optimize the discipline settings of colleges and universities、Talent training mode,For the development of 188bet casino review new quality productive forces、Promote high -quality development and cultivate urgent needs。To cultivate a strategic scientist、First -class technology leader and innovation team,Focus on cultivating and creating excellent engineers、Big Power Craftsman,Strengthening workers' skills training,Constantly improving the quality of various talents。To improve the element to participate in the income distribution mechanism,Stimulate labor、Knowledge、Technology、Management、Capital and data production element vitality,Better reflection of knowledge、Technology、Market value of talents,Create encouragement innovation、A good atmosphere of tolerance failure。

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