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"Fifty -six ethnic groups are condensed together as the community of the Chinese nation" -General Secretary Xi Jinping Qinghai、Ningxia Investigation Documentary
2024-06-24 10:14 Official Website of the Ministry of Education    (Click: )
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The train is galloping on the magnificent loess plateau。It passes through the mountain,Wipe your shoulders in the same river,Yellow land that has precipitated the heavy history and bright civilization。

After attending the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission in Yan'an,General Secretary of Xi Jinping comes to Qinghai non -stop、Ningxia。This time, come to Northwest,A main line of "Casting the Awareness of the Chinese Nation Community",Permination of always。

"Bangyi thousands of miles,Victorians stop。"The vast territory is the common development of all nations。At this moment,It is joint development、Practic、Struggle on the land,Think about national relations、National work,To explore the pursuit of unity of the Chinese nation、The endogenous power of the great revival。

The choice of survey time also has a deep meaning:

This is the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China this year。75 years,my country's national unity and progress cause continued development。How to cast it in diversity、Putting flowers among them? Research,Give the answer。

Next year,Further comprehensive deepening reform curtain will be opened。How to further condense the power of Chinese -style modernization to further unite national unity and progress? Research,Give guidance。

Qinghai and Ningxia belong to the same west。Just two months ago,New era promotes the western development symposium to hold。Strive for writing a new chapter in Western Development in the modernization of Chinese -style modernization,The survey further indicates the direction。

School、Ancient Chasa、Community,Inspect love、Ask、Mingli,General Secretary Xi Jinping's emotion: "Fifty -six nations,Whether it is this nation or that nation,We are all the same big family,Chinese nation family。To build the Chinese nation community。Unite together,Hold together like a pomegranate seed。”


"Persist in a game of chess nationwide"

June 18,The first stop of Xining,General Secretary came to Guoluo Xining National Middle School。

Guoluo,Located in the southeast of Qinghai,altitude high、to multiple levels、The environment is hard。Shanghai Investment,For Guoluo, a boarding middle school aid in Xining。

From 1996 Eastern and Western Poverty Alleviation 188bet casino review Cooperation, kicked off,Upgrade into east -west collaboration in the new era; from giving money to things,to multiple levels、Multi -form、Comprehensive collaboration pattern,Fund flow、Resource flow、Technical Stream、Talent flows to the west。​​Take Qinghai for example,"The Party Central Committee deployed Beijing and other 6 provinces and cities、Tsinghua University and other 23 colleges and universities to support the youth,Among them, educational aid to the youth has achieved various segments、Each region、Full coverage of talent fund projects "。

General Secretary Xi Jinping is a person -in -law、Promotioner。Not long before,General Secretary also wrote a reply to students from Jiangchi Elementary School in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province,That is exactly he cared for the opposite assistance school that he cared about when he was working in Zhejiang。

The principal of Guoluo Xining National Middle School, often from Shanghai。Canteen、Dormitory、Classroom,Student composition、Course settings、Physical exercise,He introduced the situation here to the General Secretary。

One cafeteria,Fragrant meals。General Secretary Xi Jinping walks to the recipe,Take a closer look at the price of vegetables。

"Derry does not exceed 6 yuan,Within 3 yuan of vegetarian vegetables。Make sure you can eat it with 10 yuan,Life subsidies every month。”

Listen to the introduction,The General Secretary told: "When the children are long in their bodies。Be sure to pay attention to diet hygiene。First of all, the purchase of raw materials,Must be qualified、No problem、Safe。Then the process of storage、Pay attention to hygiene in the process of production。On this basis, the meals are delicious,Let children eat nutrition and health。”

Dormitory Window Ming a few net,There is also a bathroom in the room。Wash the room next door,washing machine、Hair dryer is also all。General Secretary asked with concern: "Are there hot water in winter?"

"Supply hot water all weather,Ensure that children's washing。”

Langlang Langlang。Calligraphy works hanging on the corridor,pen and ink or strength or Juanxiu,Some are slightly immature。General Secretary slows down the footsteps。

Children in Class 1 (1) in Class 1 (1),The theme is "New Era、Xinjiaxiang "。Xiao Tokugawa flow,Dadunhua。State view、Ethics,To buckle from the first button。

"My hometown is in Bama County, Guoluo Prefecture。"The girl who got up to speak was Nidong La Mao。She raises a painting,Pictures of pictures under the cloud,"When I went to grant before, I had to follow behind the cow group,The cow is lost to find the mountain。Following Horse Riding for Horse,Later, ride motorcycles to grant,Then some people have used drones to grazing,My hometown is more modernized。”

"Are these electrical appliances at home?" General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed to the painting。"Yes! Washing machine、TV,A complete appearance。”

"How many yak do you have at home?" "Five or 60 heads。It is a medium size in the pastoral area。”

"Can you ride a horse?" After listening to this question,The students all smiled and answered: "Yes!"

General Secretary said kindly: "Coming here from pastoral areas,There will be some changes in living habits,But your life will have more opportunities。”

Tall boy Yang Ding stood up: "Grandpa Xi,My hometown is Guozhi County, Guoluo Prefecture。Previously because of poor transportation conditions、Refrigeration 188bet mobile app android technology poor,Cow lamb is not easy to save。Now,Life changes ... "

The vicissitudes of vicissitudes of China,Turbus occurs at every foot of the mountain、Each river、Each household。

Looking at history,Can feel more deeply since the founding of New China.。"Do you talk about modern history?"。

Teachers and students scrambled to answer: "Speak! Opium War、The Revolution of Xinhai、Nanhu Red Boat ... "

General Secretary Xi Jinping praised: "To make the casting of the Chinese nation community consciousness as a focus of school ideological and political lessons,Tell the story of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics,Talk about the new era of the new era with Chinese -style modernization to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country、Story of the great cause of national rejuvenation,Tell the story of the Chinese nation's community and national unity and progress,Planting the Chinese nation community consciousness into the children's minds from an early age。”

When leaving the classroom,General Secretary noticed the "small glasses" sitting in the first row。

"How much does the glasses have?"

"One 350 degrees, a 300 degrees."

"A little more wearing glasses in your class。Children should pay attention to protecting their eyes,Strengthen physical exercise。”

On the square,People Mountain Renhai。Teachers and students are surrounded by the General Secretary,Like the sunlight of the plateau at noon。

"Adhere to a game of chess nationwide,Help each other,Especially the coastal areas to help the western region,Developed areas to help underdeveloped areas,Find a promise。Among them,The very important one is education to help,To cultivate children,This has far -reaching significance。”

This situation is this scene,Some children cry when they listen to。General Secretary looked at the teachers and students cordially:

"To cherish this good condition。Building up to become the successor and builder of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Efforts to win your life for yourself。”

Arrive in Ningxia on the afternoon of the 19th。On the same day,General Secretary Xi Jinping asked about the current situation in Minning Town。

During work in Fujian,Comrade Xi Jinping takes the lead in responsible for the cooperation of Minning to help。From "dry beach" to "Golden Beach",From the "immigration hanging village" to build a Fujian Village to the development of development and revitalization, it becomes Minning Town,More than 20 years have passed,General Secretary has been thinking about the folks there。

"Really touched me so much determination to poverty alleviation,Except your own experience,I just watched West Sea Gu。”

"I heard that it is well built now,Also with characteristic industries。A place that was so hard in the past,It has become a place for grape wine,Emotional and gratifying! "

Ancient Chasa

"Promoting the fine tradition of patriotism and love education"

Qinghai,Jianzhujiang,Neighborhood Gandongchuan。Since ancient times, it has been a blend of multiculturalism、The main way of national communication。

Xining,between the magnificent Daban Mountain and La Rishan。I have listened to the camel ringtone on the ancient road of Tangfan,Witnesses Hongjue Temple that has witnessed the historical storm,It is located in the city district of the ancient city of Xining。

The front courtyard of the temple,Director of the Democratic Management Committee of Hongjue Temple Galw & Middot;,The monks lifted incense furnace、Holding Umbrella,Welcome to General Secretary Xi Jinping。

Hongjue Temple This millennium ancient temple,In the promotion of the connection between the central government 188bet mobile app android of the central government and Tibetan Buddhism, the role of bridge and bonds,also witnessed the glorious history of our party's older generation revolutionaries who care about promoting national and religious work。

After vicissitudes, the string song continues.

General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Chen。

"To learn from the older generation of revolutionaries,Put the united front work of the party in the new era、National work、Religious work is better。”

State view、Ethics、History view、Cultural view、Religious view,Ancient temple reflects the laws of historical evolution and changes。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "To protect this precious historical and cultural heritage,To cast a solid consciousness of the Chinese nation community、New contribution to promoting national unity and progress。”

Go out of the hall,The monks hold Hada,Farewell General Secretary。

General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out: "Comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country with Chinese -style modernization、National Revival Great Valley,The people of all ethnic groups in the country include the unity of the masses of faithful people。I hope that Qinghai Tibetan Biography Buddhism to promote the fine tradition of patriotism and love,Promote religion and smooth、Social harmony、National harmony,Play a positive role in the process of Chinese -style modernization。”

Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government Work Report Meeting,General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned Charang Temple, located in Daci County, Guoluo's hinterland。

Charang Temple,Witness the consequences of the five -star red flag rising.,It also carries the affection of religious people and the people of faithful people。For more than 70 years,Charang Temple always promotes the glorious tradition,Put the patriotic love education as the foundation of the Temple。

"This is a good job in national work、Religious work is still inspiring。"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,"To fully implement the party's religious work theory and policy policies in the new era,Strengthen the ideological and political leadership of the religious world。”


"The focus of social governance should be placed on the grassroots"

Community,The smallest unit of urban governance,Thousands of lines above、The following needle。

In the afternoon of the 19th,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Great Wall Garden Community of Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, where many nations live。

For more than 70 years,breadth of the connection between nations、Denior unprecedented depth,my country's Great San、Small live、The distribution of the ethnic population distribution of staggered and missed lives is continuously deepened。Under the social structure of mutual embedded type,How to run in an orderly manner、Harmony to get along with each other? What is the life of the people?

Community Party and Mass Service Center,The convenience service hall on the first floor、Community Health Station、Love Supermarket,"Talent Hall" on the second floor、Dance Room,General Secretary to see it one by one。

Inside the convenience service hall,Community staff is busy work。Some do social security,Some communicate with the women's federation,Some of them deal with the hotline of veterans,Some have just returned from home visits。

Where is my hometown,What major to learn,How long have you done in the community,How about income,What is the nature of work,What are the plans of the next step ... General Secretary Xi Jinping asked extra details。

"What about the work of the community now?"

"After the central government issued a burden reduction document,The form filled 188bet casino review in the community is less,The work is more focused。”

"The focus of social governance should be placed at the grassroots level,The community in the city is the most direct service for ordinary people。"General Secretary said kindly,"A community is like a big family。Seeing the community team is relatively stable,Work enthusiasm is very high,I am still more assured。Community party organization is the nerve ending of the party to contact the grassroots people。The community party organization has been established and strong,Community work will have the backbone。”

Paper -cutting in "Talent Hall"、Embroidery、Na insole,The national song and dance rhythm in the dance room is happy。One quiet and one move,outlines the beautiful life of the elderly in the community。

"The community must summarize experience、Innovation ideas,Delivery for the service of the residents and the masses,Working harder to do better and better。Let retirement residents be kept at the same time、Lao Ling,I have to do something again。”

Walking in the community,Sunshine、Green Road、Building,Alive everywhere。Han、Back、full、Meng、Tibetan and other people to get along well here。

Resident Zhao Shoucheng welcomed the general secretary into the house.

"Is this all the food of the Hui nationality?" General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed to the living room coffee table。

"This is a sister -in -law, this is the oily fragrance ..."

The atmosphere in the house is very easy.

From employment to income,From medical insurance to education,General Secretary sitting around the same family, sit around and pull the family。

Zhao Shoucheng's grandson on the fifth grade,The most dazzling of a bunch of prizes is the first place in the grade run。The General Secretary affirmed: "Children want to develop in a comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor,。”

Community residents I heard that the General Secretary is here,All gathered on the community square。

General Secretary comes to the middle of the residents,Kindly ask everyone,The atmosphere at the scene is very warm。

"Very important for national unity,Our 56 nations should hold together as tightly like pomegranate seeds。Fifty -six ethnic groups are condensed together as the Chinese nation community,The Chinese nation is a big family。We work together,Promote Chinese -style modernization together,Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! "

These years,Mountain high road far、The severe cold and the heat,General Secretary Xi Jinping went deep into the ethnic area again and again。

Hard and outstanding fight against poverty,Inspection in Ningxia in 2016、National Mass。Inspection in Ningxia in 2016,He once "located on the spot" metaphor: "Like Liupan Mountain was the last alpine that the Red Army Long March was over,Let the poor get rid of poverty,is the last high mountain that we must overcome in a well -off society in an all -round way。”

Long journey is long,And now walk from scratch。Qinghai、The burden of these areas in Ningxia is still not light。

At the work report meeting of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "45 counties and cities in Qinghai,42 poverty alleviation counties。The task of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation must always be caught in your hand,Never appear to return to poverty of scale。Overall promotion in the task of rural revitalization。”

"Anmin can be righteous and righteous"。Doing national work,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizes the affection for the people: "To do more people's intentions、Huimin Sheng、Warm things to warm the heart,Solving more problems of some people of all ethnic groups。”

188bet casino review Jaishi Mountain Earthquake in December last year,The progress of reconstruction reconstruction after the disaster,General Secretary has always been in heart。Come this time,He told him to continue to restore rebuilding after the earthquake in Jishi Mountain,Strengthening the construction of disaster prevention and reduction and disaster relief capabilities。


"You must persist in doing something, do not do something"

High -quality development is the hard path of the new era,Challenges to the rich ethnic areas of resources,It also brought unlimited opportunities。

After the 20th Congress of the Party,Everywhere to investigate,General Secretary Xi Jinping is planning to deploy Chinese -style modern local chapters how to write。Grasp the strategic positioning、Combined with local characteristics,Exhibition Director,Gathering force。

This time to Qinghai,General Secretary put forward four requirements at the report meeting,Reasonable industry、Ecology、Minsheng、National,Holdings、Coordinating and taking into account。

Coordinated high -quality development and high -level protection,It is a major topic that China has faced today。For Qinghai,Yangtze River、Yellow River、Lancang River goes from here,Feed the Chinese nation。Sanjiangyuan ecology is related to national safety。

I heard that the local is committed to "building the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau into a highlands of ecological civilization",General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "This is your greatest contribution。The top priority is to protect the ‘China Water Tower’ of Sanjiangyuan,Protect biological diversity,Improve water conservation ability。”

Qinghai is focusing on cultivating the modern industrial system,Clean Energy、Salt Lake Chemical、Ecological tourism、Organic agricultural and livestock、Digital economy、Biomedicine and other characteristic advantageous industries are in handy。Ancient plateau,By borrowing the situation of the scenery,Extend the scope of green power delivery to 15 provinces。

Report Meeting,General Secretary further clarify the direction of the "four places" of Qinghai Industry: "Accelerate the construction of a world -class salt lake industry base,Create a highland of the national clean energy industry、international ecological tourism destination、Green organic agricultural and livestock products output place。”

In 2016 to visit Qinghai,He made a special trip to salt lake,Make a clear requirements。This time,Local responsible comrades reported new progress,Relying on the reserves of the country with the number one salt lake and potassium、Magnesium、Lithium Resources,Support the development of new energy and new materials industry,77%of the national potassium fertilizer is provided by Qinghai。

General Secretary emphasized: "Fighting the overall development of the country,Fully consider Qinghai's unique resource endowment。"" "You can do nothing,We must selectively make a difference。You must persist in something、There is nothing。”

Development is the basis for solving various problems in ethnic areas.

Come to Ningxia research,The last time the last time is exactly 4 years。There are new transcripts every year。

The responsible comrades of the Autonomous Region introduced the added value of the rules last year,"Growing 12.4%"。General Secretary asked: "What are the main growth points?"

"New Material、New Energy Occupy Big Head。Coal oil production ranks first in the country,Coal -to -olefin production can account for 1/5 of the 188bet online sports betting country; new materials have achieved more than 30%growth for 3 consecutive years。​​It also built into the western computing power and Internet exchange 'dual center'。”

Ningxia Wine "Best Selling 40 countries and regions"。General Secretary Xi Jinping asked: "Exit more or domestic sales?"

"Domestic sales,Domestic market is mainly,I am also actively expanding the international market。”

General Secretary encourages them to say, "Think of in -depth thinking how to continue to develop in competition。Brand shaping requires a long time for merit。Do not have impetuous psychology,To accumulate down -to -earth,Wine is not afraid of the alley deep。”

Located in the Yellow River "a few words",Golden Jiuqu Yellow River poured thousands of miles away for Ningxia,Here also encountered a problem of water shortage。

In the district, "Signing across provinces and district water rights transactions with the Sichuan Aba, which is also in the Yellow River Basin",General Secretary Xi Jinping has interest in this matter,Encourage them to actively explore、Specification Promotion。

"The Yellow River Ningxia section of the water quality continuously keeps in and out of type Ⅱ,This is not easy,It has been maintained for 7 years! "Ningxia Ecology is still fragile,Development must seek the benefits of people's livelihood,It is also necessary to protect the ecology。General Secretary's tone is firm: "Ecological protection is always on the road,Just like to take a bath、Sweeping ground、Wipe the table。Ecological protection, how can it be once and for all! "

Unity depends on people,Development depends on people。Every place,General Secretary Xi Jinping always pays attention to the working status of party members and cadres,There will also be a targeted encouragement and reminder。

This party disciplinary study education is being conducted by the whole party,It only has more than one month from the end of the end。"True grasp and practice、Good beginning and end。"" "work with peace of mind、Let go of the officer。"General Secretary Xi Jinping's words said briefly:" To lead the political ecology of the wind and the positive political ecology。Where there is a flashlight at any time。The new era is comprehensive and strictly governed by the party.,Also with it、firmly grabbing。”

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