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The General Office of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council issued the "Opinions on further reducing the burden of student homework during the compulsory education stage and the burden of off -school 188bet app download"
2021-12-13 16:46 The General Office 188bet app download Central Committee 188bet app download Communist Party of China (Click: )
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Recently,The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、The General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Reduce the burden of student homework and off -campus 188bet app download in the compulsory education stage",and issue a notification,Requires and regional departments to implement it carefully in accordance with the actual situation。

"Opinions on further reducing the burden of student homework and off -campus 188bet app download burden during the compulsory education stage" is as follows。

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,Effectively improve the level of school education,Continuous standardized off -campus 188bet app download (including online 188bet app download and offline 188bet app download),Effectively reduce the burden of overweight operations and off -campus 188bet app download burden during the compulsory education stage (hereinafter referred to as "double reduction"),Now I have made the following opinions。

1. Overall requirements

1. Guiding thought。Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Comprehensively implement the party's education policy,Implement the fundamental task of Lindu people,Fighting to build a high -quality education system,Strengthen the role of the main position of school education,Deepen the governance of off -school 188bet app download institutions,Resolutely prevent the infringement of the interests of the masses,Build a good ecology of education,Effectively relieve parents' anxiety,Promote the comprehensive development of students、Health Growth。

2. Working principles。Persist in students、Response concerns,Follow the law of education,Fandering students' physical and mental growth,Guarantee students' rest rights,Overall improvement of 188bet app download education and teaching quality,Actively respond to social concerns and expectations,Reduce the burden of parents; adhere to the governance according to law、Specifications and Treatment,Strictly implement the Compulsory Education Law、Laws of the Protection Law of the Minor Protection,Strengthen source governance、System governance、Comprehensive governance; adhere to the government -led、Liech multi -party,Strengthen the government's coordination,Implementation department responsibilities,Give full play to the role of the 188bet app download,Improve guarantee policy,Clarify the responsibility of the home 188bet app download and society; insist on coordinating promotion、Stable implementation,Comprehensive implementation of the state's relevant regulations on reducing the burden of students' over -study academic burden,Pilot on key and difficult problems,Actively promote typical experience,Make sure the "double reduction" work is smooth and orderly。

3. Work target。School education and teaching quality and service level further improved,Work layout is more scientific and reasonable,School post -school service basically 188bet app meets students' needs,Students learn better to return to campus,Outside -school 188bet app download institutions 188bet app download behavior comprehensive specifications。Students' overweight operation burden and off -school 188bet app download burden、Family education expenditure and the corresponding energy burden of parents will be effectively reduced within 1 year、Significant results within 3 years,The satisfaction of education on the people has increased significantly。

2、Fully reduce the total number and length 188bet app download job,Reduce students' overweight operation burden

4. Improve the operation management mechanism。The 188bet app download must improve the operation management measures,Strengthen the subject group、Grade group operation coordination,Reasonable regulation of operating structure,Make sure that the difficulty is not oversupply in the national curriculum。Establishing an in -188bet app download publicity system,Strengthen quality supervision。It is strictly forbidden to arrange or arrange homework for parents,It is strictly forbidden to ask for parents for inspection、Rural homework。

5. Classification Determine the total amount of jobs。188bet app download should ensure elementary 188bet app download、The second grade does not arrange family written homework,It can be appropriately arranged in the 188bet app download to consolidate the exercise; the average completion time of the written homework in grades third to sixth in elementary 188bet app download does not exceed 60 minutes,The average completion time of junior high 188bet app download works does not exceed 90 minutes。

6. Improve the quality of operation design。Give play to the homework diagnosis、Consolidation、Learning information analysis and other functions,Incorporate operation design into the teaching and research system,System design conforms to age characteristics and learning laws、Basic homework that reflects quality education orientation。Encourage layering、Elasticity and personalized operations,Resolutely overcome the machine、Infernal homework,Eliminate repeatability、punitive assignment。

7. Strengthen the operation to complete the guidance。Teachers should guide primary 188bet app download students to basically complete written homework,Junior high 188bet app download students complete most of the written homework in 188bet app download。Teachers must carefully correct their homework,Timely feedback,Strengthen the explanation of the face batch,Analysis of the academic situation carefully,Do a good job of answering questions。No students must be required to take their own job to change their homework。

8. Use scientific use of spare time。Schools and parents should guide students to complete the remaining written homework after 188bet app download,Do the necessary schoolwork learning,Family labor labor that can be engaged in force,Carry out suitable physical exercise,Carry out reading and literary activities。Individual students are still working hard to finish their work,You should also go to bed on time。Guide students to use electronic products reasonably,Control the use time,Protect vision health,Prevention of Internet addiction。Parents should actively communicate with their children,Following the child's psychological emotions,Help it develop a good study habit。Boarding schools should arrange for the study and life in overall planning。

3、Improve the level of 188bet app download after 188bet app download after 188bet app download,Meet the diverse needs of students

9. Guarantee time after class。The school must make full use of the resource advantage,Effective implementation of various post -school education activities,Meet students' diverse learning needs。Guide students to voluntarily participate in 188bet app download。The end of the 188bet app download is less than the local normal get off work hours in principle; for students with special needs,The school should provide a delayed custody service; the junior high school school can open a self -study class on the evening。Schools can make overall arrangements for teachers to implement the "elastic up and down system"。

10. Improve the quality of 188bet app download。The school must formulate the implementation plan for post -class service,Enhanced the attractiveness of 188bet app download。Make good use of 188bet app download time,Guide students to complete their homework carefully,Tutoring tutoring and answering students who have difficulties in learning,Students who 188bet app have more power to learn to expand learning space,Carry out a variety of popular sciences、style、Art、Labor、Read、Interest Group and Society Activity。Do not use the 188bet app download time to talk about new lessons。

11. Expand the 188bet app download channel。188bet app download is generally borne by the teachers of this school,You can also hire a retired teacher、Qualified social professionals or volunteers provide。Education departments can organize outstanding teachers in the area to conduct after -school services in schools with weak teachers。Consciously investigating and punishing teachers outside the school has compensated courses,Until the revocation of the teacher's qualification。Make full use of social resources,Give full play to the Palace of Youth、The role of off -school activities such as youth activity centers in the 188bet app download。

12.。The education department should collect、Develop rich and high -quality online education and teaching resources,Use the national and local education and teaching resource platforms and high -quality 188bet app download network platforms,Provide students with high -quality special educational resources and learning resources covered by all grades in all grades,Promote the balanced development of educational resources,Promoting education fairness。Actively create conditions in various places,Organize outstanding teachers to carry out free online interactive communication and answer questions。Schools from all places should increase publicity and use intensity,Guide students to make good use of free online high -quality educational resources。

4. Persist in strict governance, comprehensively regulate off -school 188bet app download behavior

13. Persist in strict approval agencies。Outstanding school 188bet app download institutions that are no longer approved in various places for new compulsory education stages,Existing discipline 188bet app download institutions are uniformly registered as non -profit institutions。The online discipline 188bet app download institution of the original filing,Change to the approval system。Provincial provinces (autonomous region、Municipality directly under the Central Government) To make a comprehensive investigation of the recorded online discipline 188bet app download institutions,and re -apply for approval procedures in accordance with the standard。If the approval is not approved,Cancel the original filing registration and Internet information service business business license (ICP)。For non -disciplinary 188bet app download institutions,Each place must distinguish sports、Culture and Art、Technology and other categories,Determine the corresponding competent authority,Classification formulation standard、Strict approval。Consciously investigating and punishing in accordance with laws and regulations does not have corresponding qualifications、Outside -school 188bet app download institutions that have undergone 188bet app download without approval。Disciplinary 188bet app download institutions shall not be listed on financing,Capital operation is strictly prohibited; listed companies must not through the stock market financing investment discipline 188bet app download institution,Do not purchase the assets of discipline 188bet app download institutions by issuing shares or paying cash; foreign capital shall not be acquired through mergers、Trusted operation、illegal regulations、Use variable interest entities and other methods to control or participate in subject 188bet app download institutions。illegal regulations,To clean up and rectify。

14. Standardized 188bet app download service behavior。Establish a 188bet app download and supervision system for the establishment of 188bet app download content,Formulate and introduce the management measures for 188bet app download materials for off -school 188bet app download institutions。It is strictly forbidden to exceed advance 188bet app download,It is strictly forbidden for non -disciplinary 188bet app download institutions to engage in discipline 188bet app download,It is strictly forbidden to provide overseas education courses。Resolutely investigate and deal with over -range 188bet app download in accordance with laws and regulations、188bet app download quality is not good and bad、Vulgar illegal content、Pirate infringement and other outstanding problems。Strict implementation of the relevant provisions of the Protection Law of the Minor Protection,Outside -school 188bet app download institutions must not occupy national legal holidays、Rest days and winter and summer vacations Organize discipline 188bet app download。188bet app download institutions shall not dig at high 188bet casino review salary to seize school teachers; personnel engaged in subject 188bet app download must have the corresponding teacher qualification,and announce the teacher qualification information on the prominent location of the 188bet app download institution and the website;。According to market demand、188bet app download costs and other factors determine the 188bet app download institution charging items and standards,Publicity to the society、Accept supervision。Comprehensive use of the "Extractional 188bet app download Service Contract (Demonstration Text)"。Further improve the normalized investigation mechanism,Timely grasp the situation and information of off -school 188bet app download institutions,Improve the "Black and White List" system。

15. Strengthen normal operation supervision。Strictly control Capital Excessive Inflowing into the 188bet app download institution,The financing and charges of 188bet app download institutions should be mainly used for 188bet app download business operations,Resolutely prohibit the promotion business and fictional original price、false discounts、False propaganda and other methods perform improper competition,Resolutely investigate and deal with industry monopoly behaviors in accordance with laws and regulations。Online 188bet app download should focus on protecting students' vision,No more than 30 minutes per class,Course interval is not less than 10 minutes,The end of the 188bet app download is no later than 21 o'clock。Actively explore the use of artificial intelligence technology to reasonably control students' continuous online 188bet app download time。Online 188bet app download institutions shall not provide and disseminate inertia students such as "photo search questions"、Affects students' independent thinking、Bad learning methods that violate the laws of education and teaching。hiring foreign personnel in the country must comply with relevant national regulations,It is strictly forbidden to hire foreign staff abroad to carry out 188bet app download activities。

5、Vigorously improve the quality of education and teaching,Make sure students learn well in 188bet app download

16. Promote the high -quality balanced development of compulsory education。All places must consolidate the basic balance of compulsory education,Actively carry out compulsory education high -quality balanced creation work,Promote the growth of new and high -quality schools,Expand high -quality educational resources。Actively promote the group running 188bet app download、188bet app download districtized governance and urban and rural 188bet app download community construction,Fully stimulate the vitality of running 188bet app download,Overall improvement of 188bet app download running level,Accelerate the reduction of urban and rural、Area、Gap of education level between schools。

17. Improve the quality of classroom teaching。The education department should guide the 188bet app download to improve the teaching management regulations,Optimized teaching method,Strengthen teaching management,Improve students' learning efficiency at 188bet app download。The 188bet app download must open and open the country's prescribed courses,Actively promote the connection between young science,Help students prepare for enrollment,Strictly follow the curriculum standard zero starting point,To be taught to teach,Make sure students reach academic quality standards stipulated by the state。Schools must not increase or decrease lesson at will、Improve difficulty、Accelerate progress; reduce test pressure,Improve test method,You must not have a preparation for the exam in advance、illegal unified examination、Examination questions、Exam Ranking and other behaviors; the test score is presented to the level system,Resolutely overcome the tendency of the score。

18. Deepen the reform of high 188bet app download enrollment。Actively improve the results based on the junior high 188bet app download level test results、High 188bet app download enrollment admission mode combined with comprehensive quality evaluation,According to the characteristics of different subjects,Perfect the test method and performance presentation method。Persist in studying the test,Further improve the quality of the proposition of the middle 188bet app download entrance examination,Prevent bias、Strange Questions、Difficulty in curriculum standards。Gradually improve the proportion of high -quality ordinary high 188bet app download enrollment indicators to the junior high 188bet app download in the region,Standardize the order of general high 188bet app download enrollment,Eliminate illegal 188bet review enrollment、Vicious competition。

19. Integrated into the quality evaluation system。Local party committees and governments at all levels must establish a correct concept of political performance,It is strictly forbidden to issue an indicator of further studies or one -sided evaluation of schools and teachers。Careful implementation of compulsory education quality evaluation guidelines,Incorporate the effectiveness of "double reduction" work into the county and school compulsory education quality evaluation,Student participation in after -school service、Decrease in off -school 188bet app download and 188bet app download cost expenses as important evaluation content。

6. Strengthen supporting governance to improve support guarantee capabilities

20. Guarantee school after school service condition。All localities should be based on the standard of students and the preparation standards of faculty and staff in primary and secondary schools,Coordinated approval and preparation,With full -time teachers。Provincial governments must formulate a school 188bet app download funding guarantee method,Clear relevant standards,Adopt financial subsidies、Service charging or paid method,Make sure that funds are raised in place。188bet app download funding is mainly used to participate in the subsidies of 188bet app download teachers and related personnel,When the relevant departments are approved by the total performance salary,Factors for teachers to participate in after -school services,The amount of funds used for 188bet app download subsidies for teachers,Increased performance salary as an increase and set up the corresponding item,The base of the total number of performance wages in the following year is not used as the basis of the total number of performance salary;,188bet app download subsidies can be managed by labor expenses。The performance of teachers' participation in after -school services should be used as a job title evaluation、Important reference for commending and rewarding and distribution of performance salary。

21.。Further clarify the responsibility of family education,Candidate home 188bet app download communication,Innovation collaborative method,Promote the construction of a collaborative education community。The education department must work with the women's federation and other departments,Apply for parental 188bet app download or online family education guidance platform,Promote the community family education guidance center、Service site construction,Guide parents to establish the concept of scientific parenting,Reason determining the child's growth expectations,Efforts to form a burden reduction consensus。

22. Do a good job of 188bet app download advertising management and control。relevant departments of the central government、Local party committees and governments at all levels must strengthen overseas 188bet app download advertising management,Make sure mainstream media、New Media、Public places、Various billboards and online platforms in the residential area will not be published、Don’t broadcast off -school 188bet app download advertisements。Do not be in primary and secondary schools、Carrying out commercial advertising activities in kindergartens,Textbooks for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are not allowed、Teaching Auxiliary Materials、Practice Book、Stationery、Teaching aid、School uniform、School bus, etc. publish or disguise advertisements。Consciously investigate and deal with various exaggerated 188bet app download effects in accordance with laws and regulations、Misled by the concept of public education、Making Parental anxiety off -campus 188bet app download illegal illegal advertising behavior。

Seven、Solid pilot exploration,Ensure that the governance work is steadily advanced

23. Clear the requirements 188bet app download pilot work。While fully carried out governance work,OK Beijing、Shanghai、Shenyang City、Guangzhou City、Changzhi City、Zhengzhou City、Changzhi City、Weihai City、Nantong City is a national pilot,Other provinces choose at least one city to carry out pilots,The pilot content is 24、25、Article 26 content。

24. Resolutely reduce off -school 188bet app download。Re -review and registration of existing discipline 188bet app download institutions,Gradually reduced greatly,Solving too much too much; serious investigation and punishment in accordance with laws and regulations, there is no qualifications、Management chaos、Take the opportunity to collect money、False propaganda、188bet mobile app android Organizes such as profit -linked profit with school。

25. Reasonable use of resources inside and outside the school。Encourage conditions to provide students with interest after class after school,For students to choose to participate。After -school service cannot meet the special needs of some students' development interest,You can introduce non -disciplinary off -school 188bet app download institutions to participate in after -class service,The education department is responsible for organizing selection,For the school to choose to use,Establish an evaluation exit mechanism,Low service level、Malicious recruitment of students in school、No service is provided in accordance with regulations、188bet app download institutions that disturb school education and teaching and enrollment order,Resolutely cancel 188bet app download qualifications。

26. Strengthen 188bet app download charges。Adhere to off -campus 188bet app download public welfare attributes,Fully considers its characteristics involved in major people's livelihood,Incorporate off -school 188bet app download charges during the compulsory education stage into the government guidance price management,Scientific and reasonable determination of pricing methods,Clear charging standard,Resolutely curb over high charges and excessive profit -seeking behaviors。Through third -party hosting、Risk reserve and other methods,Risk management and control of pre -collection fees for off -campus 188bet app download institutions,Strengthen the supervision of loans in the 188bet app download field,Effectively prevent "refund difficulty"、"Roll money running" and other problems occur。

8. Organize the implementation of carefully, in order to achieve effective results

27. Fully and systematic deployment。Strengthen the party's leadership of the "double reduction" work,Provincial provinces (autonomous region、municipalities directly under the Central Government) Party committees and governments must take the "double reduction" work as a major people's livelihood project,Enterprise of important discussion schedule,Integrated into the province (autonomous region、Municipality directly under the Central Government) Key task of the Education Work Leading Group of the Party Committee,Combined with local actual detailed and perfect measures,Ensure that the "double reduction" work is implemented。School party organizations must do a good job of teacher ideological work,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of teachers、​​Creativity。Outside -school 188bet app download institutions should strengthen their own party building work,Give full play to the role of the party organization's fighting fortress。

28. Clarifying departmental work responsibility。The education department must do a good job of coordination and coordination,Together with relevant departments, strengthen daily supervision of off -school 188bet app download institutions,Guide the school to do a good job of "double reduction" related work; publicity、The online information department must strengthen public opinion propaganda guidance,The online information department must cooperate with education、The industrial and information departments should do a good job of overseas 188bet app download supervision and supervision; institutional preparation departments should make up for the preparation of teachers in time for primary and secondary schools;、Education and other departments formulate school after -school service or consignment fee standards,Inquiry and other departments to formulate pilot regional 188bet app download institutions in pilot regional 188bet app download institutions for charging guidance policies; financial departments must strengthen school after -school service funds; 188bet app download institutions registration work; market supervision department must do a good job of registration of non -disciplinary 188bet app download institutions and off -campus 188bet app download institutions、Advertising、Anti -monopoly supervision work,Increase enforcement inspection intensity,Conquer the education department to seriously investigate and punish illegal 188bet app download in accordance with laws and regulations; the political and legal departments must do a good job of maintaining relevant maintenance and stability; the public security department must strengthen public security management,Liech to carry out intelligence information collection, judgment, early warning prevention,Do a good job of emergency response work related to stable incidents; People's Bank of China、Banking Insurance Supervision、The Securities Regulatory Department is responsible for guiding banks such 188bet mobile app android as banks and other institutions to do a good job in the management and control of pre -collection fees for off -campus 188bet app download institutions,Clean up and rectify 188bet app download institutions financing、Listing and other behaviors; other relevant departments take responsibility in accordance with their respective responsibilities、Grasp the implementation。

29. Jointly carry out special governance actions。Establish a special coordination mechanism for "double reduction" work,Concentrated organization to carry out special governance actions。Establish a coordination mechanism in the Ministry of Education,Do a good job of coordination and coordination,Strengthen the work guidance of various places。Provincial provinces (autonomous region、Municipality directly under the Central Government) To improve the working mechanism,Establish a specialized work agency,According to the "double reduction" work target task,Clear roadmap for special governance actions、timetable and responsible person。Highlighting work focus、Key links、weak areas、Key objects, etc.,Carry out comprehensive investigation and rectification。Strict punishment of violations of laws and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations,Form a warning deterrence。

30. Strengthen supervision inspection and publicity guidance。It will implement the "double reduction" work situation and actual results,As a supervision and supervision、The important content of the special rectification of the interests of the masses and the government's performance of education responsibilities。Establishing a liability accountability mechanism,No implementation of responsibilities、Where the measures are not in place、Department、188bet app download and related responsible persons must be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations。Regulatory platforms and special reporting telephones should be set up in various places,Unblocked mass supervision and reporting channels。Provincial provinces (autonomous region、Municipality directly) must summarize the good experience and practice in the "double reduction" work,and do a good job of promotion。News media must adhere to the correct public opinion orientation,Create a good social atmosphere。

At the same time as the “double reduction” of students during the compulsory education stage,It is also necessary to make overall planning for off -campus 188bet app download and treatment of preschool children and ordinary high school students at 3 to 6 years old,Do not carry out online 188bet app download for preschool children,It is strictly forbidden to take preschool、Children's connection class、Mind 188bet app download Class and other names to carry out offline disciplines (including foreign languages) 188bet app download for preschool children。No longer approved new school -oriented children's off -school 188bet app download institutions and discipline 188bet app download institutions for ordinary high school students。Management of the discipline 188bet app download institutions of ordinary high school students opposite,Refer to the relevant provisions of this opinion。

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