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Adhere to and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership of colleges and universities to provide strong organization guarantees for cultivating socialist builders and successors -the Central Organization Department、The person in charge of the Ministry of Education revised and promulgated the "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organization of the Communist Party of China"
2022-01-13 10:35 The General Office of the Ministry of Education    (Click: )
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Recently,The new revised "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations")。Central Organization Department、The person in charge of the Ministry of Education revised the relevant situation on the revision of the Regulations,Answered a reporter's question。

Q: Please introduce the background of the revised "Regulations"、Process and meaning。

Answer: The Regulations issued by the Party Central Committee in March 1996,Basic regulations of the construction of college party,It provides institutional guarantee for strengthening the work of college party。November 2009,At the time of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、Secretary of the Central Secretariat、Comrade Xi Jinping, Leader of the Leading Group of the Central Party,I personally guide the first revision of the Regulations,Hosted a meeting of the Leading Group for the Central Party Construction Work Work to study the revised draft of the Regulations。August 2010,The "Regulations" issued by the Party Central Committee,Institutionalize the work of promoting the party's party、standardization、Scientific played an important role。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Pay attention to strengthening the party's comprehensive leadership and university party building,Make a series of major deployments。General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions to college party building many times,Multiple times to college inspections and guidance,Especially December 2016、September 2018 attended the National College Ideological and Political Work Conference、The National Education Conference and delivered important speeches,In order to do a good job of do a good job of college party building and ideological and political work in the new situation, the direction of progress、Provided fundamentally following。Universities in various places study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Comprehensively implement the party's education policy,Implementing the fundamental task of Lide Shushu,Adhere to and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership of colleges and universities,Promote the development of comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth、Extend to the grassroots,Strengthen the political and organizational power of party organizations,Constantly improving the quality of the construction of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities,achieved obvious results,I have accumulated important experience。Facing the new situation, new tasks and new requirements,The Regulations of the Regulations need to be revised and improved again。

According to the relevant deployment of the Party Central Committee,Central Organization Department、The Ministry of Education is responsible for the revision of the Regulations。Since the second half of 2019,We have carried out 4 rounds of research and solid opinion work,Listen to all provinces (districts、City) Party Committee Organization、Education Work Department,University Party Committee and grass -roots party organizations' amendments to the Regulations,Field survey to 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities,Organize experts and scholars to conduct in -depth discussions on related issues,Sort the summary of all aspects and suggests more than 500 pieces。After the formation of the "Regulations" is formed,Written Member Unit for the Central Education Leading Group、relevant departments of the central and state organs and the province (district、City) Party Committee Organization、Opinions of the Education Work Department。Based on the opinions and suggestions of absorbing all aspects,Carefully modify and improve,After the meeting with the Central Education 188bet mobile app android Work Leading Group, the report was reported to the Party Central Committee。February 2021,General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee、Central Political Bureau Meeting,Review and approve the "Regulations" draft。April 16,The "Regulations" issued by the Party Central Committee。

The "Regulations" revised this time,In -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,In -depth implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd Middle School of the 19th National Congress、Third Middle School、Fourth Middle School、Fifth Plenary Session of the Plenary Session,Implement the general requirements of the party's construction in the new era and the organizational route of the party in the new era,Adhere to the basic basis of the party constitution,Make a comprehensive specification of the work of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities,It reflects the theory of party building in colleges and universities in recent years、Practice and institutional innovation results,It is the basic follow of the party building of colleges and universities in the new era。The revision and implementation of the "Regulations",For the comprehensive implementation of the party's education policy,Implementing the fundamental task of Lide Shushu,Construction high -quality education system,Cultivate socialist builders and successors,It has very important significance。

Q: What are the main principles of revising the Regulations?

Answer: Do a good job of party building work in the new era of universities,We must conscious,Persist in the party to manage the party、Comprehensive and strictly governing the party,Enhance the "Four Consciousness"、firm "Four Confidence"、The political height of "two maintenance" to review,Around the comprehensive implementation of the party's education policy、Persist in the right direction of running the school、Implement the fundamental task of Lide Shushu people to expand,Who trains the person for whom、Who trains、How to cultivate the major question of people to plan for promotion。

The revision of the "Regulations" this time,Both reflect political nature、Principles,Highlighting practicality、Treatment,Mainly follow the following principles: First, persist in the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,In recent years, the Party Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping's construction of party building、Education, especially the important instructions of important deployment of the party's party building and higher education work, requires writing "Regulations",Further consolidate the party's organizational system foundation。Second, adhere to the party constitution as the fundamental basis,Taking the party's political construction as the lead,Specifies the role of the party's constitutional amendment to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the responsibilities of the grass -roots party organization of the public institution,Comprehensively reflects the new requirements and new requirements of the new regulations of the party's party building in the important regulatory documents issued by the Party Central Committee in recent years,Realize the positive innovation of the party building work system of colleges and universities。Third, insist on problem -oriented,Focus on solving the weakening of some college party leaders in recent years、The party's construction is missing、Comprehensive and strict management of the party,Make up shortcomings、Strong weaknesses,Innovation institutional arrangement、Reinforcement system guarantee。Fourth is to focus on in -depth、The system summarizes the practice experience of party building work in universities in recent years,Improve and perfect the organizational system of college party、System System、Work mechanism,Deepen the regular understanding of party building work of colleges and universities。

Q: What are the main revisions of the Regulations?

Answer: The newly revised "Regulations" remains basically unchanged,Chapters have been adjusted,The content has been fulfilled and perfected,Total 10 chapters and 39 articles。Modified mainly in the following aspects: First, the guidance idea of ​​improving the work of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities、Target Principles。It will adhere to education to serve the people、Services for governing the country for the Communist Party of China、Services to consolidate and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics、Services for reform and opening up, socialist modernization service,Persist in educating people for the party、For national education、Cultivation of socialist builders and successors who cultivate moral, intellectual, physical, and lives in the "Regulations",It is proposed that the work of college party organizations should follow 5 aspects。Second, appropriately adjust the organization settings and responsibilities。According to the relevant requirements of the Party Central Committee,Around the comprehensive leadership of persistence and strengthening the party,further enrich the main responsibilities of party organizations 188bet review at all levels of colleges and universities。Improve the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the University of the University,Standardize party organizations of universities (departments) -level units、Party branch term,Clarifying the setting method of the party branch and the selection criteria of the party branch secretary。Third is to improve the leadership system and mechanism of discipline inspection work in colleges and universities,Strengthening the responsibility of the discipline of the disciplinary committee of colleges and universities,Standardize the clues of the discipline of the party and the requirements of the case。Fourth is the construction of the party member team,Highlighting strengthening political theory education and party history education,Promote the normalization of "two studies, one doing" learning and education,Establish and implement the original intention、Keep the system in mind,Standard and serious party organization life,Strengthen the development of party members。Five is to work in cadres and talents,Requires the construction of a high -quality professional cadre team that is loyal and clean,Strengthen the political leadership and political absorption of talents。Six is ​​to strengthen the requirements of ideological and political work in college party organizations and leadership group organizations。Seven is to add "Leadership and Security" chapter,Compact party committee at all levels、The party organization of the relevant departments grasps the work responsibility for the construction of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities and the main responsibility of the party committee of the university,Strengthen the construction of party building and ideological and political work team for universities,Strengthen the assessment and evaluation, etc.。At the same time,Pay attention to maintaining the authority of the party's regulations、serious、continuity,For the effective requirements of the Practice in the Original Regulations,Try to keep it as possible。

Q: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee makes important deployment on strengthening the party's political construction,How does the Regulations reflect and implement this requirement?

Answer: The party's political construction is the fundamental construction of the party,Determine the party's construction direction and effectiveness。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,To put the party's political construction in the first place,Taking the party's political construction as the lead,Leading the quality of the party's construction comprehensive improvement。The Regulations have thoroughly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee,Make a series of regulations on strengthening the party's political construction in colleges and universities,Make a clear requirements。In the general rule part,One of the 5 principles that strengthen the party's political construction as the construction work of colleges and universities should follow,Emphasize that the party's political construction is the leader,Political standards and political requirements through the party's ideological construction、Organization construction、Work style、Disciplinary construction and institutional construction、Anti -corruption struggle is always。Determine strengthening the party's political construction in the duties of party organizations 188bet review at all levels of colleges and universities,Requirements to strengthen party organization's political functions。In terms of the construction of the party member team,Clarify the requirements of highlighting political education and political training。In other related chapters,Integrate the requirements of the party's political construction into it,Promote the party's innovation theory into the textbook into the classroom and enter the mind,Course Ideological and Political Theory Course,Strengthen the "Four History" education,Strengthen the political leadership and political absorption of talents,Strengthen academic organization、Student social management and other regulations,One -in -one promoting implementation。Universities will take the 100th anniversary of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Carefully carry out party history learning and education,Consolidate and deepen "Don't forget the original heart、Keep the mission "theme education results,Better learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Put the party's leadership、The party's construction runs through the whole process of running schools in colleges and universities。

Q: The principal under the leadership of the party committee is the leader of the party in colleges and universities、Important institutional arrangements for implementing democratic centralized systems,What provisions did the "Regulations" make on this system?

Answer: Adhere to the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee,It is a historical selection for long -term exploration of the leadership system of colleges and universities。Practice proof,The principal under the leadership of the party committee is responsible for the system that meets my country's national conditions,It is conducive to the implementation of the party's theory and route policies in colleges and universities,It is conducive to promoting the stability 188bet mobile app android of the reform and development of colleges and universities,It must be continuously improved for a long time。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Touch my country's higher education,You must adhere to the party's leadership,Fight for the party's leadership of the party's work in colleges and universities,Emphasize that we must adhere to the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee,The Party Committee of the University implements comprehensive leadership on school work,Secretary of the University、The principal must become a socialist politician、Educator。"Regulations" focuses on strengthening and improving the party's leadership of colleges and universities,Mainly supplemented and improved from four aspects。First, emphasize that the party committee of colleges and universities is responsible for governing the party、The main responsibility of the school governance school,Performing the direction、Management of the overall situation、Make decision、Catch the team、​​Bringing team、Leadership responsibilities for implementation。This is more complete for the status and role of the party committee of colleges and universities、More comprehensive summary。Second, it has enriched the main responsibilities of the party committee of colleges and universities,The Regulations list in detail the main responsibilities of the nine aspects of the party committee of colleges and universities,The target task of the principal responsible system under the leadership of the party committee of the university is clearer、The implementation pathway is more clear、Implementation measures are more specific。Third is to emphasize according to socialist politicians、Educator standard,Choose the Party Secretary of the Party Committee of the Strong University、President,Politics is too strong、Excellent product、Business proficiency、Ersenation、Outstanding cadres who dare to take responsibility are selected to the school leaders。This is the key to ensuring the effective and orderly implementation of the principal under the leadership of the party committee,It is conducive to ensuring that the leaders of college leaders are firmly in the loyalty to Marxism、The people who are loyal to the party and the people。Fourth is to improve the structure of the staff of the Standing Committee of the University of the University,Disaptive college party committees of the establishment of the Standing Committee generally have 15 to 31 members of the party committee、Member of the Standing Committee 7 to 11 people,General members who do not set up a member of the Standing Committee 7 to 11 people,And proposed the number of members of the Standing Committee or the number of members of the Standing Committee or not set up a member of the Standing Committee。This regulation,Not only guarantees the seriousness of the policy、unity and continuity,Also leave policy space for local and universities。

Q: The party's discipline is the rules of behavior that the party's organizations at all levels and all party members must comply with,What are the specific requirements of the "Regulations" for the disciplinary inspection of colleges and universities?

Answer: Strengthen the discipline construction and integrity education of college party,The healthy growth of college students,Reasoning about the prosperity of higher education and the long -term security of the country。In -depth promotion of the work of party style and clean government and anti -corruption work,For the creation of a righteous education environment,It has a very important role in promoting reform and development of universities。Regulations according to the relevant provisions of the Communist Party Constitution (Amendment) passed by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The discipline inspection work system and mechanism of the party's party party、Responsibilities and tasks have been perfected。First, on the leadership mechanism,Emphasize that the disciplinary commission of colleges and universities will work under the dual leadership of the party committee and superior disciplinary committee at the university,The party committee of the university shall set up a disciplinary committee or disciplinary inspection committee member at the party committee of the college (department) level as depending on the situation,Discipline Inspection Commissioner。Special regulations on the implementation of the leadership mechanism of the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency in colleges and universities。Second, on the requirements of responsibility,Emphasizing that the disciplinary committee of colleges and universities is the internal supervision organs of colleges and universities,Performing supervision and discipline accountability responsibility。Third is to further improve and fulfill the work tasks,Emphasizing the main tasks of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the University's Discipline Inspection to inspect the party's route policies and the implementation of resolution。At the same time,The clues and cases of the discipline of the disciplinary committee of the university's disciplinary committee and the regulatory requirements of the case of violations of the party。

Q: The grassroots party organization of colleges and universities is the party's fighting fortress in colleges and universities,Party members are the main body of the cell's cells and the party's activities,What provisions did the "Regulations" make in strengthening the construction of grass -roots party organizations and party members in universities?

Answer: The grassroots party organization of colleges and universities is the basis for the party's work and combat effectiveness in colleges and universities。Adhere to and strengthen the party's leadership of colleges and universities,Must consolidate the foundation of party building work in colleges and universities,Enhance the creative cohesion of grass -roots party organizations。Regulations on the premise of adhering to the basic requirements of party building work,188bet app further improved from different levels。First, in the general principles,clearly proposed to persist in grasping the foundation of the grassroots at the grassroots level,Improve the organizational system of the university party、Institutional system and working mechanism,Comprehensively enhance the requirements of the vitality of the grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities,and as one of the five principles of the five principles of the party's party。Second, at the level of the party committee of the university,Improve the main responsibilities of the party committee of colleges and universities,It is clearly stipulated that the party committee of colleges and universities must manage the party in accordance with the party、Comprehensive and strict party requirements,Implement the responsibility system for party building at the grassroots level,Strengthen the construction of school party organizations。Third, the party organization of colleges and universities (departments) should strengthen political functions,Requirements to fulfill political responsibility。This requires the hospital (department) party organization to clearly talk about politics,Politics of major issues in major issues。Fourth is to put forward new requirements for the construction of the party branch of teachers and students,Summary and absorb the successful practice of the "double leader" cultivation project of local and universities in recent years,Deeply propose to focus on selecting the party's strong、Business fine、There is prestige、The dedicated party members academic leaders are the secretary of the teacher's party branch。Five is to clearly stipulate that colleges and universities (departments) party organizations are generally 5 years for each term,The term of the party organization (department) party organization is consistent with the term of the administrative team。

The Regulations also manage the education management of party members、Give play to the role of party members、Development of party members' work to make clear requirements,Promote teachers and students and party members to light up party members,Positioning the advanced ruler,Get up the vanguard image tree。First, strengthen political education for party members,Promote the normalization of "two studies, one doing" learning and education,Establish and implement the original intention、Keep the system in mind。Second, strict party organizational life,Improve the quality of "Three Meetings and One Lesson",Open a good democratic life meeting and organizational life meeting,Implementing talks、Democratic evaluation party members、Theme party day and other systems。Third is to strengthen party member management services,Time -to -time transfer of the organization relationship,Strengthen the management and service of mobile party members,Promote the disclosure of party affairs、Help long -term mechanism,Construction of party members to play a platform,Properly dispose of unqualified party members。Fourth is to protect the rights of party members,Promote the disclosure of party affairs,The important situation within the party should be reported to the party members in time。Five is to do a good job of developing party members,Emphasize putting political standards in the first place,Strengthen at high level talents、Develop party member work among outstanding young teachers and outstanding students,Push the delegation as an important channel for determining that students enter the party activists,Establishing the party's activist continuation mechanism,Increase the strength of party members among low -grade students。

Q: Party cadres are the backbone of the party's cause,Universities are highlands for various types of talents,What provisions did the "Regulations" make on college cadres and talent work?

Answer: Adhere to the principles of party management cadres and the principles of party management talents,Putting those talents、Pay attention to actual performance、Cadres recognized by the masses are selected to leaders 188bet review at all levels of colleges and universities,Condensing various outstanding talents into higher education in the party and the country,For the comprehensive leadership of the party,Implement the party's education policy,The fundamental task of achieving higher education is of great significance。The Regulations implement the party's organizational route in the new era,Cultivation of cadres、Selected、Appointment and talent work put forward clear requirements。First, adhere to the principle of party management cadres,It is stipulated that the college party committee implements unified management of school cadres in accordance with cadre management authority,Emphasizing that the selection and appointment of cadres should highlight political standards,It is clearly proposed that party organizations of hospitals (departments) units play a leading role in the construction of cadres。Second, emphasize the establishment and improvement of outstanding young cadres to discover the training selection system,Formulate and implement the construction plan of young cadre team,Coordinated female cadres、Cultivation and selection of ethnic minority cadres and foreign cadres。Third, the policy of college talents has improved、Mechanism and other relevant regulations,It is more positive for implementation、More open、More effective talent policy,Improve talent training、Introduction、Use、Evaluation、flow、Incentive mechanism,Promoting the requirements of scientists' spirit and other requirements,Given new connotations 188bet casino review of talent work for colleges and universities。

Q: Ideological and political work is the lifeline of school work,What are the requirements for the "Regulations" to strengthen the ideological and political work of colleges and universities?

Answer: Strengthening ideological and political work is the fine tradition of higher education in my country,It is a main responsibility of the party organization of colleges and universities。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Ideological and political work is the lifeline of the school's various tasks,The ideological and political work of colleges and universities is both characteristic of Chinese universities,It is the advantage of running our colleges and universities; the ideological and political work of colleges and universities is a concrete manifestation of the work of the party's leadership,It is also an important starting point for the construction of college party。The Regulations mainly supplement and improve the relevant provisions of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in three aspects。First, it reiterated the fundamental requirements of universities to carry out ideological and political work。Emphasizing the ideological and political work of the unified leadership school of colleges and universities,The banner clearly requires the party's leadership of the party's ideological work。Second, to fulfill the goals and tasks of ideological and political work in colleges and universities。Emphasize the need to take Lideshu as the fundamental task,Put the ideal and belief education in the first place,Promoting Xi Jinping's ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era into textbooks、Enter the classroom、Enter the brain,Strengthen the theoretical education of the party、Party History Education、Patriotic Education,Course Ideological and Political Theory Course,Build a ideological and political work system,Strengthening ideological position management,Forms the work mechanism of the whole process of the whole process of the whole process,enriched the connotation of the ideological and political work of college students。Third, the principles and methods of carrying out ideological and political work have been enriched,Emphasize the combination of adhering to the solution to ideological problems and actual problems,Promoting the traditional advantages of ideological and political work and high integration of information technology,Enhance the targetedness of ideological and political work、effectiveness。

Q: What are the provisions of the "Regulations" in implementing the responsibility of party building work in colleges and universities? What institutional arrangements have been made to ensure the implementation of responsibility?

Answer: The Regulations add "Leadership and Security" special chapter to make relevant regulations,Compact party committees at all levels and their relevant departments、Relevant party organizations of state organs to grasp the work responsibilities of the construction of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities and the main responsibilities of the party committee of colleges and universities。First, the overall requirements for strengthening the grassroots party building work of colleges and universities,Emphasize party committees at all levels and their relevant departments、The party organization of the relevant state organs shall take the construction of grass -roots party organizations in colleges and universities as an important part of party building work,Put in a prominent position,Integrated into the overall deployment,Emphasize adherence to the principle of territorial management,Persist in the combination of the management of the management and the ideological work of the party building and the ideological and political work,Form the unified leadership of the party committee,Education work leadership group leads coordination,Discipline Inspection Agency and Organization、Publicity、United Front、Education work and other departments closely collaborate、Working pattern of common management。Second, the requirements of strengthening the setting of grass -roots party building work institutions in universities,Emphasize party committees at all levels and their relevant departments、The party organization of the relevant state organs shall reasonably set up departments and institutions responsible for party building in colleges and universities,The education work department of the party committee at all levels should have internal institutions to undertake the functions of party building work in colleges and universities,University Party Committee of the University according to work needs,The principles of hard work and efficiency and help strengthening party building work,Establish a related working agency。Third, it has enriched the guarantee measures to strengthen the party building work of colleges and universities,The construction of party affairs work, ideological and political work team is included in the overall planning of the school talent team construction and the corresponding equipment proportion、Measures system、The guarantee mechanism has put forward more clear requirements,Emphasize full -time party affairs staff and ideological and political staff should be equipped with a full football。Fourth is the relevant regulations that ensure the implementation of responsibility,Emphasize the important basis for the use of party building and ideological and political work of colleges and universities as a comprehensive evaluation of the school leadership team and the selection and appointment of leaders,As an important content of the work effectiveness assessment as "double first -class" construction and other work results。At the same time,Evaluation of the Professional Review of Party Building at the grassroots level、Responsibility for accountability, etc.。

Q: Central Organization 188bet online sports betting Department、What is the specific deployment of the Ministry of Education to implement the "Regulations"?

Answer: The vitality of the system lies in execution。The Party Central Committee issued the notice of the "Regulations",Make clear requirements for learning, propaganda and implementation of the "Regulations",Party organizations at all levels must carefully grasp the implementation,Put the construction of the party party in the prominent position,Take strong effective measures,Improve and perfect the organizational system of college party、Institutional system and working mechanism,Promote the deep integration of the development of party building and higher education in colleges and universities,Leading high -quality party building leads to promote colleges and universities for educating people as national education、Realize high -quality development。We will prepare for the 27th National College Party Construction Work Conference,Deploy the "Regulations" for study and implementation。Relevant departments and universities in various places should take the study, propaganda, implement the "Regulations" as an important task,Wide publicity and interpretation through various media,Make party organizations 188bet review at all levels of colleges and universities、The majority of party members, cadres, teachers and students in -depth understanding the spirit of the Regulations,Fully master the content of the Regulations,Strictly abide by and implement the Regulations。We must carefully organize learning training,Incorporate the "Regulations" into the learning content of the theoretical learning center group of the party committee (party group) theoretical learning center group and the education course of the party school (academy),Integrated into college "Three Meetings and One Lesson"、Teacher Concentrated Learning, etc.,Special training for full -time party workers and ideological and political staff of colleges and universities,Improving the ability to improve the work of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities。To strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Regulations,Summary experience,Focus on discovering and solving problems in the work。(Xinhua News Agency reporter)

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