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Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on the launch of the 2024 vocational school "skills to become talented and strong national" series of educational activities
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Faculty of Cheng Chengxuan [2024] No. 14

Each province、Autonomous Region、Education Department (Education Commission),Education Bureau of Municipal Education Bureau for each plan,Education Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:
In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th and 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on vocational education,Implement the fundamental task of Lindu people,Strengthen the ideological and political education of vocational school students,Cultivation of high -quality skills talents that cultivate moral skills and cultivation,Now the relevant matters related。
1. Activity theme
Casting ingenuity & middot;
2. Basic principles
(1) Adhere to the correct direction。Perseverance uses Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to cast souls,Education of strengthening the core values ​​of socialism,Guide students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs,Go skills to become talented、Skills to report to the country。
(2) Persist in educating people。Strengthen the five education,Promote students' physical and mental health、Comprehensive development。New requirements for the development of high -skilled talents in adapting to the development of new quality of productivity,Rich activity content、Innovative form carrier,Further enhanced the targeted activity、effectiveness。
188bet casino review (3) Insist on coordinated advancement。Practical teaching of education activities and ideological and political courses、Student Management、Occupational guidance and other work overall design、Integrated advancement; improve the "school organization、Class activities、Work mechanism of everyone's participation,Help the growth and development of each student。
3, activity content
(1) Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China
1. Realize development achievements。Carry out the social practice of "Future Artist to the Party",Organize students to visit the important inspection footprint of General Secretary Jinping,Participate in the industry survey、Enterprise visit、Home Investigation and other activities,Feel the great change of the new era、Great achievements。Speaking around the themes such as "New Era and New Professional Craftsman", "Future Artisan Story", "Motherland Achievement"、Essay、Class Council and other activities,Guide students to combine the majors they learned,Tell the development of the New China,Talk about skills to report to the country for the country。
2. Inheritance Red Gene。Strengthen the history of the party、History of New China、History of reform and opening up、History of Socialist Development、Propaganda and Education of the Development History of the Chinese Nation,Using the "Da Sisi Political Class" practical teaching base jointly established by the eight departments such as the Ministry of Education,Carry out the inheritance revolutionary tradition、Inheritance of the spirit of the spirit of the revolution。Deepen the history of vocational school running school,Find the development of schools and the development of New China、Link of the development of the industrial development,Good school history、School motto、School Song、School emblem、School House、Red education resources in alumni,Combined Education Education、Professional cognitive education、Internship training、Graduation Education, etc.,Guide students to continue red blood,Efforts to become a big country craftsman。
3. Promote the spirit of patriotism。In -depth study, propaganda and implementation of patriotism education law,National Flag、National Anthem、The national emblem as an important educational content,Guide students to understand their historical and spiritual connotations。During the National Day,Hold a grand flag ritual,Develop the oath of joining the party and joining the party、Theme party group day、"The Political and Politics of the State"、Patriotic songs sing、Literary performances and other activities,Organize teachers and students to participate in celebrations 188bet mobile app android held in various places。Lead students to visit patriotism education bases、National Defense Education Base、Industrial Cultural Practice Teaching Base,Visit the craftsmen of the big country、,Visit、Share the story of all walks of life in various industries since the founding of New China,Further stimulate students to love the party and love the country and love socialism.。
4. Casting the consciousness of the Chinese nation community。Study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 9th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,Through a special lecture、Practice research、Theme training and other methods,Tell all teachers and students to tell the story of the Chinese nation,Vigorously declare the consciousness of the Chinese nation community。Actively carry out skill competitions participated by students from all ethnic groups、Cultural and sports activities and social practice,Guide students to firmly establish a rest and common、honor and disgrace and common、Life and death and common、The Community Concept of Fate and Communist Party。
(2) "Future Craftsman" Reading Action
1. Expand reading content。Encourage students to read "Xi Jinping's Seven -Year Knowing Youth Years",Learn the story of the struggle of General Secretary Xi Jinping in his youth; combined with the majors you learned、Chengcai target,Widely read the biography of craftsmen and social development、Technical progress and other books,Promoting the spirit of craftsmen,Improve the level of skills; deepen the traditional Chinese classic、Reading of red classics and contemporary classics,Inherit the excellent traditional culture of China、Enhance cultural self -confidence; strengthen science popularization、History of Science and Technology、Reading in scientific development trends,Cultivate scientific thinking methods and inquiry ability。
2. Create a reading atmosphere。Use a good reading pavilion、Book Cape、Digital Library and other positions,Combined with "Book Drift" and other activities,Extend the library to the classroom、Dormitory、Canteen、Internship Enterprise、Home,Let students read it from time to time、Can read everywhere。Read through the principal of the secretary、Teachers and students to read together、Student Association Reading and other methods,Guide to motivate students to love reading、Read a good book、Good reading。Organize campus reading festivals、Theme Reading Month、Reading Sharing Meeting,Establish a "Reading Master List",Launch "My Favorite Book", "Most Beautiful Reader" solicitation and promotion activities,Campus Campus Reading Fashion。
3. Strengthen 188bet online sports betting reading guidance。Invite big country craftsmen、Labor model、Technical expert、Excellent graduates and other examples of examples enter the campus to lead guidance,Share one book that has the deepest impact on your growth,Encourage students to read targeted reading。Open reading class,Hold Report on Reading Experience、Reading Notes Exchange and other activities,Help students stimulate reading interest、Master a scientific reading method、Develop lifelong reading habits,Guide students pay more attention to "entire book" reading、immersive reading。
(3) Vocational education students read party newspaper activities
Use the "editor -in -chief to read the party newspaper" video resource with a well -updated updated period,Combined with morning reading、"Five minutes before class"、Education activities such as the class,Organize students to listen to watch、Follow reading and learning; encourage teachers and students to read the original text of the relevant story of the People's Daily,Further deepen understanding and understanding; combined online and offline,Call for sharing after the view of the view、Special display、Interactive communication activities such as message submission,Promoting teachers and students to read、Thinking、Together。People's Daily Online will organize a team to enter a vocational school,Experience the experience of reading and learning party newspapers with teachers and students,Invite teachers and students to plan to record and record "Editor -in -Chief to Read the Party News" video。
(4) Action of "Modeling Craftsman Entering Campus"
1. Open the "Model Model Craftsman Lecture Hall"。Invited model workers to talk about the "first lesson of enrollment" for the freshmen,Tell all the students of "Craftsman's ingenuity" industry stories such as "Craftsman's ingenuity" for all students,Strengthen the professional spirit、Professional ethics training; carry out activities such as "paying tribute to the model of labor", "Parents of Modeling Parents on the Pentai",The struggle experience of using the model worker、Strueping skills,Inspired students to establish a correct view of talent、Occupational view。
2. Carry out "I face face -to -face"。By walking into the Model Model Studio、"Master with the Little Apprentice" and other activities,Let students contact the role models at close range,Communicate with them face to face、Hand -to -hand science,Along with the model workers,Establishing skills to become talented。
3. Promote "I grow up in labor"。Use the national vocational education smart education platform resources,Further improve the labor education list,Organize students to participate 188bet mobile app android in daily labor、Production labor and service -oriented labor,Let students practice practice、Accept exercise in sweating、Try will、Master the skills; make good use of the facilities and venues in the school,Actively serving labor education in primary and secondary schools、Professional experience。
(5) Skills to inherit Chinese excellent traditional cultural activities
1. Inheritance of non -heritage casting is ingenious。Relying on related majors、Student Association,Hold non -genetic inheritance education activities for all students; guide students to use their own skills,Focus on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China,Creation shows geographical characteristics、Non -heritage works of national characteristics and vocational education characteristics; display and promote outstanding works,Improve students' participation in non -heritage learning、Protection、Planning of inheritance and publicity。
2. Promote the traditional Chinese virtue。Instruct students to combine their majors and occupations that may be engaged in the future,Deepen the Chinese traditional virtue element,I realize the direction of standing in the future。Through skill competition、Internship training、Volunteer service、Lecture Report、Literary performance、Typical display activities of virtue practice,Vigorously promote self -improvement、Dedicated music group、Honest and trustworthy、Filial Lao Lao loves relatives、Diligent and frugal and other Chinese traditional virtues。Organize students to actively participate in activities such as Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival。
3. Recite Chinese classics。Promote teachers and students to study and study together,Sort out the vocational elements contained in the Chinese classics,Learning、Share related classic stories,Feeling traditional cultural charm。Give full play to the classic aesthetic education function of Chinese,Through reading、Reading、Singing、Appreciation、Writing、engraving and other methods,Improve students' aesthetic literacy; organize students to participate in the Chinese classic recitation and writing contest、"Respect for the Excellent Traditional Culture of China" Propaganda Education Activity,Stimulate learning enthusiasm,Planting patriotic feelings。
(6) "Civilized Style" activity
1. Caring for physical and mental health。Features of students with vocational schools,Grasp the opening season、Internship Season、Graduation Season, etc.,Through knowledge lecture、Extended training、Group counseling、Gaming interaction and other forms of mental health education activities,Cultivate students' self -reliance、The psychological 188bet casino review quality and good professional psychological quality of the dedication group; strengthen professional guidance,Guide students to understand themselves correctly,Discover psychological pressure,Improve cope with setbacks、matching occupation、Ability to adapt to society。Coordinated promotion of campus sunshine sports activities、Aesthetic Yutsuya Infinlation Action、Patriotic Health Movement、Anti -Ai -anti -Ai Ai Action, etc.,Make sure students' physical and mental health。
2. Improve comprehensive literacy。New requirements to adapt to the development of new productive forces,Make good use of cooperative companies、Science and Technology Museum (Park)、Science Popular Education Base and other resources,Visit visit、Cognitive practice、Internship training and other activities,Cultivate students' scientific spirit、Innovation spirit,Improve network literacy、Digital literacy。Combined military training、Retired soldiers' preaching activities, etc.,Promoting National Defense Education、Double support publicity。Planting trees through volunteers、"CD Action"、"Grain Saving Water -saving Electricity" and other activities,Deepen environmental protection、Land greening、Energy -saving low carbon、Education of opposition to waste。Hold the campus "Skills Festival" and "Cultural Festival",Choose "Star of Skills", "Star of Cultivation", etc.,Give full play to the role of generations of generations,Guide students to competition skills、Learning skills、Show talent、Common growth。
3. Jianyou school wind。Good "first lesson",Use the position of the class activity,Strengthening behavioral specifications、Law Consciousness、Overall national security view education; secondary vocational schools play the role of vice president of the rule of law,Effectively carry out prevention of school bullying、Prevent trafficking fraud、Network Security、Civilized Internet access、Forbidden gambling and drugs、Education and other aspects of disaster prevention and mitigation。In -depth development of Lei Feng activities,Encourage students to use the skills learned to serve the society,Actively participate in the community、Volunteer services such as filial piety to the elderly。Continue to promote the signing of the "Student Convention on Secondary Vocational Schools"。
4. Work requirements
(1) Strengthen organizational leadership。Provincial education administrative departments must attach great importance to、Careful Organization,Refined implementation plans in the region,Guide the requirements for promoting professional schools to implement activities,Realize the vocational vocational school、Public -run private 188bet online sports betting coverage; compact the main responsibility,Effectively carry out the activities of vocational schools in the region、Politics displayed by results。Each vocational school should include educational activities into the annual work plan,Defined responsibility division of labor,Do a good job of promoting implementation,Get "planned a plan、Monthly Arrangement "; insist on the whole staff,Guide faculty and staff to learn and promote the spirit of educators,Active guidance、Participate in student activities; improve the working mechanism,Online and offline、Exids on -school combining activities,Guide all students to participate extensively; innovative evaluation method,Incorporate the situation and performance of participating educational activities into the comprehensive evaluation of students。
(2) Do a good job of publicity and display。All places、Each vocational school must select outstanding cases,Production display video,Promotion and promotion of new media platforms such as "three micro -ends",Tell the Story of Professional Education,Show students' patriotism、Forwarding style,Create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about supporting vocational education。The Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Professional Education Department) will pass through China Vocational Education and Adult Education Network,Publicity of promoting vocational school activities、Push display video。People's Daily will organize the school to solicit the school to carry out vocational education students to study party newspapers、Teachers and students look after the view, etc.,Exhibition and Broadcasting Outstanding Achievements and Teachers Students。
(3) Summary improvement in time。Provincial education administrative departments summarize the development of the region in the region,Statistics activity data,Writing work summary (including basic situation、Main practice、The results achieved、Next suggestion, etc.),Production summary video; timely exchanges and discussions,Editing Excellent Case、Promoting typical experience,Improved the shortcomings of existence。The Vocational Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education will summarize the work status in time,Time to organize exchanges and sharing in a timely manner,Assistance to make a good summary of the year。


The General Office of the Ministry of Education
May 27, 2024

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