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188bet review Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs organizes to carry out smart classroom teaching observation activities
2023-10-26 10:57 The official website of Xi'an Foreign Affairs College    (Click: )
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    To further promote the reform of the wisdom classroom teaching reform of Xi'an Foreign Affairs Academy,October 23, 2023,Smart classroom teaching and observation activities organized by the school's teaching and research department is carried out as scheduled at Xi'an Drum Music Theater。Chairman of Xi'an Foreign Affairs College、Principal Huang Teng,Assistant to Chairman、Principal Assistant Huang Yili and other school leaders,and the work department of the school、Each college、Leaders and teachers directly under the units、Counselor and other nearly a thousand people participated in the on -site observation。

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    Watch the scene,School Chairman、Professor Huang Teng made an important 188bet casino review speech。Professor Huang Teng pointed out,Smart classroom teaching reform, on the surface, is the structural mode of changing classroom teaching,is "Teacher Learn,Students Most ",In essence, the teaching relationship,That is the student as the main body、Under the concept of teacher -dominated teachers,Teachers as collaborators for students、Guide,Reconstruction new teaching relationship,That is, "Education Center" into "Scholars"。

    Professor Huang Teng deeply explained the core literacy education concept centered on "comprehensive development of students",Emphasize the use of "smart classroom" as a breakthrough,Through the change of classroom structure、Implement the curriculum standard、Implement core literacy,Realize differentiated teaching and personalized learning,Comprehensively improve teaching quality,Promote teachers and students to fundamentally change 188bet mobile app android their ideas,Dedicated to cultivate physical and mental health、Independent personality、Spiritual freedom,Humanistic cultivation、National foundation、World Vision、High -quality modern people。

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    This wisdom classroom teaching demonstration was teaching on -site by the teachers and students of Xi'an Tengxin School,They brought the wisdom classroom display of English and geographical lessons respectively。

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    "Class Begin." With the ringtone of the class,,The audience watching staff follow the teachers and students of Xi'an Tengxin School into the classroom。

    Groups of six people,A tablet computer,Students log in to their accounts on the spot,Enter the smart classroom system independently developed by Xi'an Foreign Affairs College。Between square inches,Class dynamics、Student dynamics push at any time,Teachers can timely and conveniently realize the full monitoring of each student's learning、188bet review Dynamic grasp。This system is fine to each student's submission of homework.,There will be clear reports every job,Change some students lazy to learn、Learn、Status that is not learned,Easily realized teacher -student interaction、Interaction、Real -time interaction。

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    Observation class,The English teacher demonstration starts from a video,The content of the teaching course can be visually displayed to students。The entire course makes full use of the smart classroom platform,Design the course as an autonomous study、Student classroom display、Time to answer、Class test、Get answering、Group discussion、Show and classroom practice and other links,Let students show their own style in the classroom,Enhanced interaction,Meet students' needs。

    The same,In the demonstration of geographical lessons,Grade 8 students pushed to a video with geographical teachers to the tablet,188bet online sports betting Watch the content guidance before class。Geography teacher transforms all the knowledge that students need to master into a problem,The inquiry of the problem runs through the "curriculum resources、Learning autonomous learning、Cooperation Inquiry、Share display、Guidance Evaluation "Teaching The whole process,Improve students' ability to solve real problems。Teaching teachers also sends tasks to each student through smart classrooms,Students can immediately receive the classroom assignment arranged by the teacher on the personal tablet。Students can directly enter the answer on the computer,Automatically review the computer。Just press "Smart Capture",Instant automatic generating analysis results,Correct rate、The error rate is clear at a glance。

    Observation,The whole school teachers have a new understanding of the reform of smart classroom teaching,One after another 188bet online sports betting said that it will be actively applied,Invest in new practice,Use practice to enrich and improve the comprehensive advancement of smart classrooms。

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