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Support Chinese -style modernization with education power services -keep in mind that General Secretary General General Secretary's entrustment to accelerate the construction of a review of education strong country
2024-05-28 08:54 Ministry of Education    (Click: )
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Education determines today's,It also determines the future of human beings。Looking at the history of human civilization,The world's power is regarded as the foundation of strategic investment and long -lasting prosperity。

"Construction of Education Strong Power,It is a strategic pioneer that comprehensively builds a socialist modern power country,It is an important support for achieving high -level technology self -reliance,It is an effective way to promote the common prosperity of all people,It is the basic engineering of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the modernization of Chinese -style modernization。”

May 29, 2023,Based on the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world's unscrupulous changes,General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered important speeches when presiding over the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee,Comprehensive systematic explanation of what kind of educational power to build、How to build major theories and practical problems such as education and power of education,It provides a fundamental follow -up and action guide for building a strong country with Chinese characteristics。

Construction of Education Strong Power,Glory of Mission、Responsibility on the shoulders。Over the past year,Education front keeps instructions,Endurance,Only compete for the day and night、Emphasized mental state,The grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping's painting into a vivid practice is unswerving,Composites to speed up the construction of a strong country for construction、Service supports Chinese -style modernized new chapter。

Raise the flag orientation, issue a mobilization order to build a strong country for education

By 2035,It is an important decision -making deployment made by the Party Central Committee,It is also the General Secretary of Xi Jinping Nian Zi、"The Great of the Country"。

"To fully implement the party's education policy,Adhere to the people -centered development education,Active advanced layout、Powerful response to the change bureau、Strive to open up the new bureau,188bet review Accelerate the modernization of education,The foundation of the people's happiness with the power of education,Strongly consolidate the foundation of the country's prosperity with education,Provide a strong support for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a mobilization order to build a strong education country.

Great and arduous business,Especially the strategic plan that needs to be far -sighted。General Secretary Xi Jinping uses a global vision,For the layout of the construction of the construction of a strong country,Guide Education Front bravely move forward。

"Who cultivates、How to cultivate people、Who trains people is the fundamental question of education,It is also the core topic for building a strong education country。"" ",Core topics around Lide Tree people,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important discussions many times、Important instructions instructions —

Orange Castle Head,Spring Rain Mian。The first local inspection after the two national sessions this year,The first stop of General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hunan First Normal University (Chengnan Academy District)。

General Secretary Xi Jinping said,The country must be strong,You must run a good education。He emphasized,The school wants to establish a moral person,Teachers should be a good Mr. Big,Not only should we pay attention to improving students' knowledge and cultural literacy,More to take good ideological and political lessons,Education guidance students Mingde Zhi shame,Treit the core values ​​of socialism,Establishment of the State of the State of the State,Efforts to become the construction of a strong country、The material of the pillar of national rejuvenation。

May this year,General Secretary Xi Jinping once again gives important instructions for the construction of school ideological and political courses that he is very concerned about。

He pointed out,New era and new journey,The construction of ideological and political courses faces a new situation and new task,Must have a new weather and new as。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should put the construction of ideological and political courses on an important agenda,All kinds of schools at all levels must consciously assume the main responsibility,Continuously open up a new situation in ideological and political education in the new era,Work hard to cultivate more rest assured、Patriotic Dedication、Newcomers in the era when the heavy responsibility of the national rejuvenation。

"We must persist in using high -quality development as a lifeline for various education at all levels,Accelerate the construction of a high -quality education system。"" ",General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on education is to indicate the direction of building a high -quality education system —

Constructing a strong country, the base point is in basic education.2023 "June 1" International Children's Day,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks into the History Museum of Ying School in Beijing,Understanding the school in recent years to promote education and teaching reform and innovation、Implement the "double reduction" policy requirements、Promote the comprehensive development of students' moral, intellectual, physical and artistic development。

He wrote back to encourage representatives of academicians of "Science and China",I hope they will drive 188bet mobile app android more scientific and technological workers to support and participate in the science popularization cause,Stimulate young people to advocate science、Explore unknown interests,Promote the improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people。

Constructing a strong country, the leader is higher education.He returned to Wuhan University's participation in the Chinese North and South Pole Science Investigation Team,Hope the school of teachers and students of the school always feels "the big of the country",Continue struggle,Excessive skills to practice,Yong climbing science peak,To achieve high -level technology self -reliance and building a strong country、Science and Technology Power、Talent Power Kingdom,Comprehensively promoting Chinese -style modernization to make new and greater contributions。

"It is necessary to take service high -quality development as an important task for building a strong education country。"" ",General Secretary Xi Jinping always cares about how education serves high -quality development —

Last year,He wrote to all teachers and students of Northeast University,Encourage Northeast University to focus on national strategic needs to cultivate high -quality talents,strong discipline,Constantly launch high -level scientific research results,To promote the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast、Promoting Chinese -style modernization made new and greater contributions。At Harbin University of Engineering,He instructed the majority of teachers and students,Do a good job of education、Technology、Talent work,To build a strong country for education、Science and Technology Power、Talent Powerful Country Vegetables。

Ideological indication direction,All universities focus on major national strategic needs,Dynamic adjustment and optimization of higher education disciplines,Some targeted cultivation of national strategic talents and urgently needed talents,Enhance education's support for high -quality development、Contribution。

"To strengthen the construction of teachers as the most important basic work for building a strong country for construction。"" General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the construction of the teacher team —

On the eve of Teacher's Day in 2023,He believes in the representative of outstanding teachers in the country,For the first time, I proposed the spirit of Chinese educators,and explained the core essence。

Teachers are encouraged: "We must vigorously promote the spirit of educators,Keep in mind for the party's education、The original mission of the national education talent,Establish ‘Gongbu Teachers、The ambitions and ambitions of the strong country,Building for a strong country、The great cause of national rejuvenation has made new and greater contributions。”

Great and arduous business,Stimulate the majestic power of unity and hard work。Education front along the grand blueprint drawn along the general secretary。

Anchor target, run towards the strategic direction of building a strong country for education

"Continuously expand the educational work vision pattern ... to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of accelerating the construction of a strong country for education。"May 30, 2023,General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech the second day,The party group of the Ministry of Education immediately held a meeting,Research and deployment learning, propaganda and implementation work。

Construction of Education Strong Power,It is a systematic jump and qualitative change 188bet mobile app android from "big" to "strong",Must break the mindset,Realize the great liberation of thought、Big Innovation。

"Putting education in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation、Put it in the world's unscrupulous changes to understand、Go to plan、Go to advance。"Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry of Education、Minister Huai Jinpeng repeatedly emphasized,Construction of Educational Powerful Power,"Jump out of education and see education" -

See clearly the great achievements of education since the new era,I want to understand how to take the initiative to act as a,Promoting the construction of a strong education country; see the current domestic and foreign situation changes,Want to understand how education has become the strategic leader of national rejuvenation and important support for Chinese -style modernization; see the global education change、Scientific and technological development competition trends and education development laws,Want to understand how to build a high -quality education system and the fulcrum of building a strong country、Thinking、Measures。These three "see clearly、Want to understand ",is the vision and pattern that accelerate the construction of education power。

Around the advancement of Chinese -style modernization,The Party Group of the Ministry of Education has clarified the strategic direction of the construction of the country -

firmly grasp the political attributes of education,More prominent education from the political perspective of national interests,firmly cultivate socialist builders and successors; firmly grasp the strategic attributes of education,More prominent education、Technology、Great Strategy for Talent Integration Education,firmly unswervingly serving the construction of socialist modern power; firmly grasping the attributes of people's livelihood,Education is more prominent in the big people's livelihood that develops from economic and social development,firmly promoting the results of development, more fair and benefit, and the vast number of people。

Construction of Education Strong Power,It is a new topic of no ancients,Need to condense more wisdom and strength to answer the same questions,Accelerate attack。

For a year,The Ministry of Education takes the outline of the establishment of the construction of education power as the "No. 1 Project" to promote,Transforming the magnificent blueprint of the educational power painted by General Secretary Xi Jinping into a real picture for building a strong country for education、Roadmap、Construction diagram,Carefully think and answer "Construction of Powerful Power、What is education?。

Establish a Strategic Counseling Committee of Education Strong Country Construction and hold two plenary meetings,In order to further prepare and implement the preparation and implementation of the outline of the construction planning of education、Gather the wisdom —

"Hope the consulting committee focuses on researching the global situation,With fundamental、Strategic and forward -looking education major issues,Focusing on the difficult problems that focus on studying restricting and affecting high -quality development of education,Planning and suggestion、Planning and suggestion,Effectively give full play to the role of consulting and auxiliary decision -making。"Huai Jinpeng said。Members of 33 committees around the work of the party and the national center,Administrative suggestions 188bet app on the construction of education for the country、Open the pulse。

East and west, north and south,Focus on national strategy and regional development strategy,The Ministry of Education held several strategic consultation meetings for education strong powers,The Provincial capital of the Ministry of Innovation and the Provincial Capital Strategic Cooperation Mechanism,Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with multiple provinces,Draw the picture of building a strong country to build an educational country —

For Beijing,To actively lead and drive Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei education coordinated development,Give full play to the role of Beijing education leading; for Shanghai,To support Shanghai the first to develop Chinese characteristics、World -class urban education; for the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area,We must actively promote the comprehensive reform of higher education and two "first -in -first -first trials",Serving the construction of important talent centers in the world and the construction of innovation highland; for the central and western regions,We must continue to take the revitalization of higher education in the central and western regions as the basis for the development of the central and western regions、Strategy to accumulate momentum of developing momentum in the central and western regions; for the central region,To closely combine the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and regional economic and social development,Provide important talent support for high -quality development; for the Northeast,To give full play to the advantages of the potential of Northeast,Active advanced layout、Powerful response to the change bureau、Strive to open up the new bureau。

A series of measures,Translate the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee into a major institutional mechanism、Major tasks、Practice Platform,"Four beams and eight pillars" of the construction of a strong education country。

Key breakthroughs, drive the overall advancement of the construction of education to the country

At the same time as the outline of the construction planning planning of the secretary of the secret drum,Focus on service high -quality development、Focus on the development of new quality productive for service,The quality of self -cultivation of talents around the comprehensive improvement、Supporting high -level technology self -reliance main attack direction,The Ministry of Education took the lead in launching a number of major engineering projects and special operations,Keep a key breakthrough to drive the overall advancement of the construction of education to the country.。

"Who cultivates、How to cultivate people、Who to train people "is the fundamental question of education,It is also the core topic for building a strong education country。

"For two years of research,My biggest harvest is not results publishing,Instead, I feel the superiority of the socialist system more truly,It has strengthened 'four self -confidence'! "As a member of the research team of" Xi Jinping's Economic Thought in the New Era ", a member of the" Practice of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought in the New Era ",Dr. Guo Wenjie, a postdoctoral Department of the Department of History of Peking University, walked out of the campus,Feel the wheat waves rolling in the North Wilderness,In China Shipbuilding Group witnessed the majestic and magnificent domestic cruise ships ...

"We want to solve the big topic of 'integration',Incorporate Lide Shi into practice。"Huai Jinpeng said,"Effective integration 188bet mobile app android of knowledge and line,True to teach from the outside to the Mainland,Realize the development of education and student personality from the inside to outside,This is our biggest goal。”

The core topic of the Lide Tree people,Education front implements the "Newcomer Soul Casting Project"、"Da Si Political Class" construction project,Starting the Lide Tree Project,Do a good job of "integration" this big article,Focus on the establishment of a new ecological pattern of the fundamental task of Lideshu people。

For a year,Use Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to cast soul -casting people to achieve significant results,In -depth advancement of large, medium -sized ideological education and ideological and political courses,"One -stop" Student Community Construction Ferry,Lide Shuren's Grand Ecology is formed。

Constructing a strong country, the leader is higher education.

9 scientific research projects closely link with 11 core courses,Teachers teach in the teacher's lesson、Guidance under the lesson,Student grouping scientific research、Listening to the same hall,The National Science and Technology Award winner leads a high -level scientific research team,Create 12 high -level "scientific research education" new engineering education platform ... at the University of Electronic Science and Technology,"Scientific Research Education" is not in the traditional "second classroom",Instead。

Raise high education leader,The Ministry of Education launched a pilot project of comprehensive reform of higher education,Try it first、Try on the "adaptation" of improving the ability and level of economic and social development and level of serving the country and regional economic and social development,Organizational cultivation of top -top innovative talents、Organizing promoting technological innovation、Organizational serving the country and regional economic and social development。

For a year,Strong base plan、"Basic Discipline Series 101 Plan"、A series of plans such as the integration of production and education integration of excellent engineers actively explore the self -cultivation model that is in line with China's national conditions; a number of major scientific research projects have been set up,Several cutting -edge science centers、Several regional technology transfer centers were established,Education、Technology、Trinity Trinity Coordinated Promotion,Strive supporting the national high -level technology self -reliance。

Constructing a strong country, the base point is in basic education.

South Anhui Mountain District、On the banks of Qingtong River,Boarding schools of wooden hostel schools in wooden town in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province、Stupid,Smart Blackboard、"Cloud Machine Room"、Recording and broadcasting classrooms and other modern educational facilities are all available,The living facilities of Ming Kitz Liang Stove are warm and comfortable,Excellent teachers go to rural schools to exchange rotation,More than a thousand township students receive high -quality education at the door of the house.。

From "learning" to "good learning",2023 National New Compulsory Education High -quality School 1736,New high -quality degree 1.999 million。16,000 compulsory education stage education groups and 15,000 urban and rural schools have been established nationwide。

Consolidate the basic education base point,The Ministry of Education has implemented in -depth implementation of basic 188bet online sports betting education expansion and quality improvement projects。Short boards for each semester,Compulsory education,Promoting high -quality balanced development and urban -rural integration; preschool education、Special Education,Improve the public service network; for ordinary high school,Expand high -quality resources、Promoting diversified development,Explore an effective way to explore the general integration,Breakthrough to resolve contradictions one by one,Building a foundation for building a strong country。

Construction of Education Strong Power,Education digitalization is a new track for education development developed by my country,The Ministry of Education has implemented a national education digital strategic project; the construction of teachers is the most important basic work,The Strategic Project of the Construction of High -quality Teacher Teachers' Team is launched; enhances the international influence and discourse right of education in my country,The Ministry of Education launched a high -level education open quality project ...

Paper,Connect with each other,A shocking educational power construction scroll, open slowly。

"Do you have to have ideals、Responsible Actionist。"The National Education Work Conference in 2024 is clear,Organization and implementation of the outline of the construction planning of the education power is the "Top project" in 2024。

Delivery,Nine -point implementation; blueprint painting,Stanging State!

On the new journey,Education front is upright,It is condensing the majestic power to build a strong country!

Previous: Education with the soul -casting people should take the lead in national rejuvenation -the education front keeps in mind that General Secretary's entrustment to speed up the construction of education strong country
Next: Improve results evaluation,Reinforcement process evaluation,Explore value -added evaluation,Improve comprehensive evaluation education evaluation reform,The active power increase for the construction of the education of the country
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