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The People's Government of Shaanxi Province on further support and regulates the development of private higher education
2013-11-28 11:23 Source: Peihua College official website    (Click: )
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The people's government of each district and municipalities,All working departments of the Provincial People's Government、Direct institutions:
In order to implement the "Outline of the National Middle and Long -term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)",Establishing system、The mechanism is flexible、Management specification、distinctive features、Vibrant private higher education system,Keep our provincial higher education in the province in the country's advantageous position,It is an important force for becoming a strong province for construction,Now put forward the following opinions on further support and regulating the development of private higher education。
    1. Continue to increase support
    1 Further improves the understanding of the development of private education。Private education is an important part of the country's education,It is an important growth point for the development of education and an important force to promote education reform。The development of higher education in our province to accelerates the popularization of higher education、Provide a variety of education selection、Innovation education management system、Education fairness、improving the efficiency of education has played an irreplaceable important role,Cultivated a large number of urgent application -oriented talents for the country's economic and social development,is one of the iconic results of the reform and opening up of our province。Governments at all levels and their working departments should further improve their understanding of the development of private education,Continue to increase support,Consolidate and enhance the advantages of the province's higher education in the country in the country。
    2  Support private universities and public universities to develop together。All places、All relevant departments should take the development of private higher education as an important job responsibility,Adhere to "active encouragement、Strong support、Correct guidance、Management according to law,Creatively support the development of private higher education,Effectively implement the same legal status of private universities and public universities,Given the same support as non -profit private colleges as public universities,Promoting the formation of the formation of the formation of public education and private education。
    3 Increase coordinated planning and comprehensive coordination。Incorporate private higher education into the overall economic and social development plan。Relevant departments at the provincial level shall study and formulate the development of private higher education reform and development plan,Establish provincial education、Land Resources、Public Security、Civil Affairs、Finance、Human Resources and Social Security、Land Resources、Housing and urban and rural construction、Audit、Tax、Industry and Commerce、Comprehensive coordination mechanism composed of departments such as radio and television and press and publication,Research and solve major problems in the development of private higher education,Carry out service supervision and comprehensive law enforcement,Check、Supervise the implementation of relevant regulations and policies。Each district and municipal government must study and formulate supporting measures,Organization implementation related policies。
    4 Establish special funds for development。Provincial finance has established 300 million yuan of private higher education development special funds every year since 2012,Focus on the construction of public services and information platforms for private higher education、Construction of high -level private universities、Reform Innovation、Construction of Teachers Team、Laboratory and Internship Training Base Construction、188bet casino review Scientific Studies、Commendation and rewards to make outstanding contributions to private higher education。
2. Establish and improve the classification management system
    5 Implementation of classification management。Private universities、Higher education assistance institutions are divided into two categories: non -profit and profitability,Voluntary declaration by the organizer,Relevant departments at the provincial level for review and determination。Among them, non -profitability includes schools donated by donations、Capital to hold a school that does not require a reasonable return,and the school that requires the request to obtain a reasonable return。To ensure the legitimate rights and interests of various private schools,Strictly regulate school -run behavior,Vigorously support the development of non -profit schools,Actively guide the development of profitable schools,Gradually form a complete non -profit and profit -making private higher education classification management system。
    6 Exploring hybrid civilized high -level education school mode。Support various types of schools through joint ventures、Cooperation、Shareholders and other methods to organize private higher education,is different investment entities、The main body of running the school creates a good environment for running schools fairly and orderly。Actively explore state -owned capital、Collective capital and non -public capital to hold a school mode for mixed -made civil -run higher education in various forms。Carry out the pilot work of hybrid education in the Higher Education Office,Reform and innovation management system and operating mechanism,Gradually establish "Clear property rights、Between interests、School Autonomy、Serving Society "modern university system。
    7  Method of improvement of legal person registration。Non -profit schools after review by the Provincial Department of Education,Registration by the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs。Among them, donate funds、Capital to hold a school that does not require a reasonable return,Registered as a private person's self -receivable of public institutions;。Extraction schools are reviewed by the Provincial Department of Education,Provincial Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau registered as a corporate legal person。
    8 Greed up funding channels。According to relevant national regulations,Explore the establishment of the Shaanxi Private Higher Education Foundation,Introduction of public welfare financing mechanisms,Introduction of public welfare financing mechanisms,Provide services to raise funds for private universities。Encourage financial institutions to provide various forms of financing services for private universities。Gradually establish and improve the financing guarantee system of private universities,Clear property rights、School Standards、Credit private universities,Allows it to apply for credit guarantee loans and long -term low -interest loans。Allow non -profit private universities to mortgage with non -teaching assets、Tuition and tuition rights are pledged to apply for a loan from the bank。Encourage personal、Donation of corporate and social organizations to private universities,and implement the relevant pre -tax deduction policy。
    9 Publication of taxes and land use preferential policies。Non -profit private universities、Higher Education Aid Institutions Enjoy the same tax and fees preferential policy as public universities。
    Private universities、Education and labor services provided by educational education activities provided by high education assistance institutions、College student apartment accommodation fee income charged to students、Student cafeteria provides the income obtained by catering services for teachers and students, and the income obtained by working hard work for students,Exempted business tax in accordance with regulations。
Private universities、Land affected by higher education institutions、House ownership is used for education and teaching,Exemption of deed tax。Arable land occupied、Self -use land and real estate are used for teaching,Exemptation of cultivated land occupation tax、Urban land use tax and real estate tax。For the school student apartment and the college student apartment rental contract signed with the students,Removal property tax in accordance with regulations、Printing Duty。Water、electric、Qi、Heating、Public business charges such as sewage discharge enjoy the same treatment as public universities。
Incorporate school construction land into urban land use overall planning and annual land use plan。Construction land for non -profit schools to enjoy the same policies as public universities;。
    10 Implement a reasonable return policy in accordance with the law。Inspenor of non -profit school investors requires a reasonable return,Deducting school costs、After the relevant 188bet mobile app android expenses stipulated by the development fund and the state,Allows to get a reasonable return from the annual balance of school balance,As a reward to the investor。The reward application is proposed by the school decision -making agency,Education Administrative Department, together with the relevant departments based on the original capital,、Added input、Tuition income and school balance,Comprehensively determine the reasonable return amount,Reasonable return amount can account for 40%of the balance of school running。The reasonable return obtained continues to be used for school development,Try to add a new amount of capital,and enjoy tax preferential policies in accordance with relevant regulations。Extra -school schools obtain returns according to corporate mechanism。
    3. Improve management and operation mechanism
   11  perfect school legal person governance structure。Strengthen the construction of modern university system,Improve the school's charter in schools in accordance with the law,Give full play to the flexible and diverse advantages of the internal management system and operating mechanism of private universities。Establishing a council (board),Standardize the composition of its members、Rules and running procedures for negotiations。Establish a private university supervisory system,Democraticization of the decision -making of the board of directors (board)、Science、standardization。Strengthen party building work in private universities,Ensure the political core and supervision and guarantee of party organizations of private universities。Careful implementation of the "Implementation Measures for the Implementation Measures for the Conference of Faculty and Workers in Shaanxi Province (Trial)",Give full play to the role of school trade unions,Establish and improve faculty and staff to participate in school democratic management、Democratic Supervision System。Develop the operating regulations for administrative management of private universities,Guarantee the principal's independent exercise of education, teaching and administrative functions,Guarantee faculty、Education、Social person exercise legal rights。Chairman (Chairman) and the principal set up。Members of decision -making institutions of non -profit school、Principal and General Affairs、Finance、The person in charge of the main departments of personnel such as personnel,Implementing relative avoidance system。
    12 Standardized private high -level education aid institutions。Strictly regulate the setting approval of private high -level education assistance institutions,Standard name、Publicity、Admissions、Revisted fee,Standardize joint school、Rental campus running school。Schools with unqualified annual inspections for two consecutive years,Order to stop recruitment,The rectification of limited time still cannot meet the school requirements,A revocation school license。Support meets the needs of economic and social development in our province、Private full -time higher education assistance institutions with the conditions for running schools apply for applications to set up ordinary higher vocational colleges。
    13 Strengthen quality monitoring。Improve the government's supervision system for private universities。Strengthening the annual inspection system,Annual inspection results as an important basis for policy support and standardized management。Establishing government departments、Experts and scholars、Teachers and students of colleges and universities、Industry Enterprise、Employers、Student parents and social intermediary organizations and other parties participating in private higher education quality classification and evaluation mechanisms,Give full play to the role of the evaluation agency,Regular educational and teaching quality of private universities、Learning style and teaching style school style、Internal management level, evaluation,Assessment results will be announced to the society。
    14Poving the exit mechanism。School termination of school,Asset liquidation in accordance with laws and regulations and relevant national regulations,Clear and resettlement schemes are implemented after the approval agency is confirmed。Donation of the school to terminate schools,The remaining assets are used for public welfare education; the school is not required to obtain a reasonable return to run a school,After compensation is obtained by the input amount,The remaining remaining assets are used for public welfare education; schools that are required to obtain a reasonable return to the school to terminate the school,Remnant assets according to relevant laws、Regulations on administrative regulations。organizer、Change of investors,The original funding amount must be calculated at the original value。The remaining assets of a profit -making school shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Company Law of the 188bet casino review People's Republic of China"。
    4. Strengthen teaching management
    15 Comprehensively improve the quality of talent training。Establish a teaching evaluation system,Guidance、Supervise private universities to strengthen teaching management。Support the construction of a group of special majors,Explore the diversified talent training mode in combination with market demand。Strengthen the laboratory、Internship training base and "dual -teacher" teacher team construction,Actively cultivate application type、Skills talent。Promote college students' innovation and entrepreneurs,Cultivate college students' innovation ability。Guide different types、School scientific positioning at different levels、Disbid Development、Special feature、Turn out of level。
    16 Promoting the reform of the enrollment system。The scale of running a school approved by private universities in accordance with the education administrative department,Reasonably determine the enrollment scale。Support high -quality and distinctive private undergraduate universities to expand the autonomy of enrollment; conditions for private high vocational colleges with conditions to implement registered enrollment。Annual new enrollment plan tilt to high -quality and distinctive private universities。
    17 Expansion of school autonomy。Support conditional private universities to set up professionalism in the national professional catalog、Adjust the professional direction、Open Course、Determine the teaching method。Private universities on the review of the titles of teachers in colleges and universities,The same treatment as public universities。Support the right to apply for degree grants with qualified private universities。Encourage private universities to carry out various forms of international exchanges and cooperation。
    5. Encourage scientific research
    18 Encourage private universities to carry out scientific research。Non -profit private colleges and universities in scientific research topics、Project application、Tendering、Judging、Review and conversion of scientific research results、Financial allocation of scientific research funds and other aspects enjoy the same rights as public universities。Encourage private universities to run according to the scale of school、School -level level and school type establishment of scientific research institutions。Support private colleges and universities actively carry out theoretical research of Chineseization Marxist theory、Research on ideological and political education of college students、Private Education Research, etc.。
    19 Encourage private universities to serve local economic and social development。Encourage private universities and public universities、Scientific Institute、Local government departments and enterprises and institutions carry out scientific research cooperation,Promoting the transformation of scientific research results,In various forms for local economic and social development services。Local governments give private universities and public universities in terms of scientific research cooperation。
    6. Strive to improve the overall level of the teacher team
    20 Establish a reasonable movement mechanism for teachers of private and public universities。Teachers of private universities should meet the national corresponding teachers' qualifications。Support private college attraction、Training、Stable Outstanding Teacher,Encourage outstanding college graduates、Professional and technical personnel to teach in private universities、Work。Organize public universities and private universities to carry out counterpart assistance,Sending public university cadres、Teachers go to private universities to work or teach。Cadres of public universities who have agreed to work in private colleges and universities、Teacher,Its original public identity and archives relationship is unchanged,Retirement treatment of faculty staff in public universities when retirement。Teachers flow reasonablely between the procedures for the reasonable flow between public universities and private universities,Its working age、Teaching Age、Social insurance payment period and other continuous calculations。
    21 Protect the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff。Teachers of private universities are qualified for definition、Title review、Evaluation Evaluation、Evaluate the precedent for the best,Enjoy the same treatment as teachers of public universities。Establish a professional training mechanism for teachers of private colleges and universities,Training funds will be given subsidy by the provincial finance in proportion。Establish and improve the personnel agency service system of private colleges and universities,Apply for household registration in accordance with regulations、Personnel labor relationship connection、Social insurance relationship transfer、File transfer and other procedures。In the government designated institution,When the work changes,Teaching Age、continuous calculation of working age。
    Ensure the salary and 188bet app other welfare benefits in accordance with the law。Private universities should refer,Formulate the salary standard of faculty and staff,and adjust it in a timely manner according to the price level;。During the winter and summer vacations,The right to pay paid leave for faculty and employees。
    22 Improve the social insurance system of faculty and staff。Establishing a school、Government、Personal social insurance cost sharing mechanism。Ensure that the staff of private universities and higher education institutions participate in various social insurance according to law,Enjoy the corresponding treatment level,Local finances are given subsidies in the form of award -winning supplement。
    Faculty and staff of private universities,Anyone who meets the conditions for applying for local affordable housing,All are included in the guarantee scope as the guarantee object。
    7. Strengthen student management and school safety and stability work
    23 Effectively strengthen students' ideological and political education work。Further thoroughly implement the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、The State Council "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improved Ideological and Political Education of College Students",Persist in people -oriented,Efforts to improve the targeted ideas and political education、effectiveness and attractiveness、Infectious power,Cultivation of the socialist qualified builders and reliable successors of the comprehensive development of morality and physical beauty。Give full play to the role of the Communist Youth League organization to unite and educate students。In -depth social practice activities,Vigorously build campus culture,Comprehensively strengthen campus network construction,Make the Internet an important position for the ideological and political education of college students。Effectively strengthen the mental health education of college students,Guide students to understand religious problems correctly,No unit or individual may conduct religious activities in schools in any way。
    24 Protect students' rights。Admissions of private colleges and universities are included in the national education system,Study at further、Employment、Entrepreneurs、Transfer、Exam、Traffic discount、Medical Insurance、Household registration migration、File Management、Evaluation of Awards and Evaluation、Subsidy food subsidy、Civil servant recruitment、"College Student Village Officer" selection、"College Student Volunteer Service West Plan" recruitment、"Rural Grassroots Talent Team Revitalization Plan" recruitment、Recruitment of "Special Job Teachers",Enjoy the same rights as students from public universities。The school's self -recruited non -university enrollment,Notice of learning from the school,Clear learning form、Learning period、The type and method of obtaining the certificate,Paid standards and refund regulations,Effectively protect students' right to know。
    25 Strengthen the construction of the counselor team。F full -time counselors of private colleges and universities are equipped with a ratio of not less than 1: 200,Each class must be equipped with 1 class teacher。Research on the work of strengthening counselors,Increase the training of counselors,Special training funds for counselors and the post allowance of counselors to enjoy the same treatment as public universities。
    26 Strengthen school safety and stability work。The legal representative of the school is the first responsible person for the school's safety and stability。To strengthen emergency management,Establish a sound and safe and stable working mechanism。Promoting the construction of school safety defense team,Strengthen school teaching、Life、Safety inspection of activity facilities,Implementing various safety precautions,Strengthen student legal system and safety education,Maintaining campus security and stability, normal education and teaching order。
    8. Standardize assets and financial management
    27 Protect the property rights of the school's legal person in accordance with the law。Private colleges and universities obtain land use rights and school building property rights,Land use right certificate、The property right certificate of the school building must be handled under the school name。School investors will have the land that they own、When the house is transferred to the school name,Not higher than the original value。Approval of the local government approved by the original approval,Do not change the use of land education,Do not rent and transfer land use rights。Investors of private colleges and universities must follow the standards of running schools in accordance with the national regulations,Assets related to education and teaching activities will be confirmed by the relevant departments to the school's legal person after confirming the capital。Asset transfer to implement the book original value,All taxes 188bet online sports betting and fees required for asset households will give policy discounts in accordance with the law。
    28 Strict accounting system。Private universities must invest in the assets of the school、State -owned assets、Assets formed by the assets and accumulated school,Category is recorded in the relevant asset account,Regularly clearance of production and check -in,Classified accounting accounting。The schools and funds donated and contributed to the school that does not require a reasonable return,Applicable public colleges and universities accounting systems;,Before the relevant departments formulate a special accounting system,With reference to implementing a private non -profit organization accounting system。Enterprise accounting standards or small enterprise accounting system。non -profit private universities charges administrative institutions from non -tax admission notes。
    Establishing a school's annual budget and fiscal capital accounting final accounting report system。The annual budget of the school must be submitted to the Provincial Department of Education for filing。At the end of each accounting year,The school will report to the school's council (board) and faculty congress for the reception of financial capital.,and submitted to the Provincial Department of Education for record,Submit the overall revenue and expenditure at the same time,Monitoring of Education Funding。
    It is strictly forbidden to private universities、The organizers of higher education institutions to students、Student parents raised school funds、Publicly raised school funds to the society。
    29 Audit supervision system。At the end of each accounting year,Accounting firm recognized by the Provincial Department of Education,Audit and issue an audit report on the annual accounting statement of private universities,An important basis for the conclusion of the annual inspection。According to the actual situation,Put it to the relevant departments to conduct special audit on the financial revenue and expenditure and asset -liabilities of private universities。Provincial Education、Finance、Financial Supervision Department、Cancer cooperation with financial institutions,Supervise private colleges and universities to strengthen internal control,Create open and transparent、Finance of operation specifications、Accounting and Asset Management System,Prevent escape、Modeling and transfer of school assets。The schools and funds donated and contributed to the school that does not require a reasonable return,To gradually establish a general accountant system。
    30 For the special system for financial funding。Establishing the approval system for the competent department of non -profit school banking account,Stock fiscal funds into a special account account,Dedicated special funds,Guaranteed special funds for specified use,No use of him to use him。
    Strengthen the supervision of procurement activities of private universities。Private universities use fiscal funds to implement cargo、Engineering and service purchase,It must be included in government procurement in accordance with the law,Gradually establish and improve the internal government procurement system and operating mechanism of private universities。At the same time,State -owned assets formed by government procurement,Strengthen management according to law,Ensure that state -owned assets are safe and complete。
    31 Establishing a school risk prevention mechanism。The Provincial Department of Education must earnestly perform supervision responsibilities,Establish a school risk warning and disposal mechanism,Develop risk prevention measures。Various private universities、Higher Education Assistance Institutions withdrawn from 1%of tuition income every year to withdraw risk margin,Uniformly deposited into the bank account designated by the Provincial Department of Education。Risk security deposit belongs to the school all,It is mainly used for school risk when there is a school running risk,Tuition fees collected to students、Accommodation fee and pay for other emergency expenses。
    9. Determine department responsibilities
    32 Defined responsibilities of relevant provincial departments。The Provincial Department of Education is responsible for the overall coordination and comprehensive management of private higher education work in the province。
    The Provincial Development and Reform Commission is responsible for the development planning and project review of private higher education undertakings in the province、Management; the Provincial Price Bureau is responsible for approving the charging items and standards of private universities,Research and formulation of profit management measures for profit -making private universities,Investigate and deal with illegal charges、Package behavior。
    The Provincial Public Security Department is responsible for guiding and supervising the security and security of private universities,Conflict education、Civil Affairs、Industry and Commerce Administrative Management and other departments to investigate and deal with illegal school institutions in accordance with the law、Illegal admissions intermediary。
    The Provincial Department of Civil Affairs is responsible for the registration of legal persons in non -profit schools。
    The Provincial Department 188bet app of Finance is responsible for collaborative education、Audit and other relevant departments,Develop the standards and methods of reasonable returns in private universities,Strengthen the supervision of the financial status of private universities。
    The Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security is responsible for formulating preferential policies on promoting the construction of teachers in private universities,Improve the social security system,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and employees of private universities in accordance with the law。
    The Provincial Audit Office is responsible for the special audit of private universities。Direct audit private universities and higher education institutions fiscal funds、The use of social donation funds。
    Provincial Land Taxation Bureau、The Provincial State Taxation Bureau is responsible for implementing the tax preferential policy of private universities in accordance with the law。
    Provincial Industry and Commerce Bureau is responsible for the registration of legal persons in profit -making schools and supervision and management of advertising activities of private universities。illegal release、Advertisers with false admissions advertising behavior、Advertising operator、Advertising publishers investigate and deal with according to law。
    Provincial Radio and Television Bureau is responsible for supervising the enrollment advertisements of civil -aged universities in the province's media and other media、Propaganda content of school information,Investigate and deal with illegal acts such as illegal and disciplinary behaviors such as non -filing admissions advertisements。
    The Provincial Press and Publication Bureau is responsible for regulating the press and publication unit、Domestic media in Shaanxi branches and journalists' propaganda and reporting work,Organize investigating and dealt with relevant illegal violations。
    Other provincial -level relevant departments are responsible for related private higher education work within their duties。
    33 Promoting service information construction。Establishing private higher education management service information platform,Promoting admissions、Employment、Paid、Financial management and other school information disclosure,Improving the level of government scientific management of private higher education,Strengthen social supervision,Ability to improve private higher education services。Promote the construction of school campus network,Improve information teaching level。
    34 Optimized the development environment of private higher education。Guide and support the healthy development of private higher education agencies,Give full play to provide services、Reflecting the appeal、Industry self -discipline and other aspects。Established Shaanxi Provincial Private Education Association,Provide communication for the school、Cooperation、Research platform。News units must adhere to the correct public opinion orientation,Follow the discipline of news and propaganda,Vigorously publicize the party and the country about promotion、Guidelines and policies for guiding and regulating the healthy development of private higher education,Active publicity and support and regulating measures for the development of private higher education,Actively publicize the advanced typical model of private higher education、Reform achievements and development achievements,Create a good environment for the whole society to support the development of private education
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