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The implementation of the Xi'an Municipal People's Government on promoting the healthy development of private education
2020-05-16 14:34 Website of Xi'an People's Government    (Click: )
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Each district、County People's Government,The working departments of the Municipal People's Government、Direct institutions:
   To conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Further support and regulate education for social forces,Promoting the sustainable and healthy development of private education,According to the "Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Shaanxi Province on Encouraging Social Forces to Promote Education and Promote the Healthy Development of Private Education" (Shaanxi Zhengfa [2018] No. 2) spirit,Combined with the actual situation of our city,Formulate the following implementation measures。 
  1. Strengthen the party's leadership of private schools
    (1) Establish and improve party organizations of private schools。Comprehensively strengthen the party's construction of private schools,Realize the full coverage of party organization work in private schools。Any private school with more than 3 formal party members,All must establish party organizations in accordance with the provisions of the party constitution and change on schedule。less than 3 places can be jointly established、Establishment of Hanging、Entering party members and teachers separately to establish party organizations。Not having the establishment of the party organization conditions for the time being,Selected by the approval department to send party building instructor、liaison officer or establish a union、Communist Youth League organizations and other channels to carry out party work,Conditions should be established in time when the conditions are mature。Approves the establishment of a private school,To adhere to the synchronous planning of the party's construction、Synchronous settings of the party's organization、The party's work is carried out simultaneously。Change、Cover or cancel private schools,higher -level party organizations should make decisions on changes or revocation of party organizations in private schools in time。Shipping the People's Organization of the People ’s Liberalization School of Party Organization,Implement the management of party organizations in the competent department,The party organization where the school is located should actively cooperate、Actively do a good job of guidance and management。Give full play to the advantages of party building work in public schools,Through university district、Famous School+、Driven by the Central School,Organize joint construction with private schools、Resource sharing。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (2) Effectively implement the party's education policy。Party organizations of private schools must give full play to the core role of political core,firmly grasp the direction of socialist school running。To improve the party organization's participation in decision -making and supervision mechanism; actively do a good job of party members' development、Education、Management and service work; insist on party building with group construction,Strengthen the construction of the Communist Youth League organization of private schools。The competent authorities should use party building work of private schools as registration、Annual inspection annual review、Evaluation and evaluation、The essential conditions and compulsory content of commending and reward。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
    (3) Strengthen and improve the ideological and political education work of private schools。Effectively strengthen ideological and political theory courses and ideological moral courses、Textbook、Teacher Team Construction,Take the Lide Shi as the fundamental task,Continuously enhance the "four self -confidence" of teachers and students。Integrate socialist core values ​​into the entire process of education and teaching、Teaching and educating people all aspects,Effectively strengthen the ideals and beliefs、Patriotism、Collectivism、Socialist education with Chinese characteristics and excellent traditional Chinese culture、Revolutionary traditional culture、Education of National Unity,Promote the spirit of Yan'an。Vigorously carry out social practice and volunteer service,Actively carry out mental health education。Innovative network ideological and political education method,Vigorously promote the main theme、Propaganda positive energy,Comprehensively improve teaching books、Practical education、Scientific research educating people、Management of educating people、The level of serving and educating people。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone) 188bet app Two、Innovation institutional mechanism
    (4) Implement the classification management system。For private schools (medium and below private academic schools、Kindergarten、Non -academic training institutions) Implement non -profit and profit classification management。The organizer chooses to set up a non -profit private school or a profitable private school,Actively encourage and strongly support social forces to host non -profit private schools,Implement the property rights of the legal person in private schools in accordance with the law。Implementation of compulsory education、Assets include state -owned assets、Donated assets and private schools that use public construction supporting facilities,Do not register as a profit -making private school。Existing private schools according to the "Xi'an Education Bureau、Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau、Xi'an Editor Office、Xi'an Civil Affairs Bureau、Xi'an Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau、Xi'an Land and Resources Bureau、Notice of the Xi'an Taxation Bureau on the Implementation Measures on the Implementation of Classification and Registration of Private Schools "(City Education Fa [2018] No. 164) re -registration,The transition period is from September 1, 2017 to September 1, 2022。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、Municipal Taxation Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (5) Eliminate the channels for running schools。Encourage and guide social funds to enter the education field to host schools or invest in project construction。Innovation education investment and financing mechanism,Multi -channel attracting social funds,Expand the source of running funds。Encourage social forces to donate to non -profit private schools。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (6) Exploring multiple main entities cooperative school。Promoting government and social capital cooperation (PPP) model,Encourage social capital to participate in education infrastructure construction and operation management,Provide professional services。Encourage public schools and private schools to purchase management services for each other、Teaching Resources、Scientific research results。Encourage profitable private schools to establish an equity incentive mechanism。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)    (7) Improve the school withdrawal mechanism。Donation of the school is terminated when the school is terminated,The remaining assets after settlement will continue to be used for social undertakings such as education。Established before November 7, 2016 (including November 7)、Select registered as a non -profit private school,When the property of private schools is settled after the property is settled in accordance with the law,Give a certain compensation based on the application of the investor,The amount of compensation is the original capital contribution plus the additional capital,The total amount must not exceed the remaining school property;,You can comprehensively consider the investor's human capital investment、Study benefits、Social reputation and other factors give certain rewards,The rest of the property continues to run in other non -profit schools。Select registered as a profit -making private school,Financial liquidation shall be carried out by a qualified third -party institution,Clear property rights in accordance with the law。When termination,The property of the profitable private school has the surplus after the property is settled in accordance with the law,Handling in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China。When a private school set up after November 7, 2016, the termination of private schools,Property disposal in accordance with relevant regulations and school constitutional treatment。When private schools exit,Announcement in advance,After approval, orderly exit,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the educated and faculty in accordance with the law。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
   3. Strengthen policy support
  (8) Establish a differentiated support policy system。Encourage and guide social forces to host non -profit private schools。Relevant departments、All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone must adjust and improve the institutional policy,Subsidies in the government、Government purchase service、Fund rewards、Donation incentive、Land allocation、Tax and fees and exemption to support non -profit private schools。For profit -making private schools,All places、Each department shall refer to the preferential policies of high -tech enterprises,According to economic and social development needs and public service needs,Support for various methods such as government purchase services。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Taxation Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)    (9) Increase fiscal investment。All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone must be in accordance with laws and regulations,Adjust the optimization of educational expenditure structure,Increase support for private education。City、District and County、The development zone can set up special funds for private education development based on the actual actuality,Coordinated by the education department,Used to support the development of non -profit private education。Special funds for financial fiscal shall be included in budget management,Publicly open to the society,Accept audit and social supervision,Improve the benefits of funds。(Responsible unit: Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (10) Innovative financial support method。City -level finance、Education Department,All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone shall establish and improve the government's subsidy system for non -profit compulsory education private schools and kindergartens,Projects that clarify subsidies、Object、Standard、Usage。Improve the standards and procedures for government purchase services,Establish a performance evaluation system,Formulate to buy 188bet mobile app android a degree from private schools、Teacher Training、Course textbook、Scientific research results、Specific policy measures for education services such as policy consulting。Private primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational) and kindergarten enjoy the average public funding subsidy policy for similar public schools。(Responsible unit: Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)    (11) Explore the establishment of a private education development foundation。Municipal Education Department、All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone can be in accordance with the State Foundation Management Regulations,Explore the establishment of a private education development foundation。Encourage private schools to set up a school development foundation。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (12) Implement the same funding policy。Private school students and public school students enjoy the same award (assistant) academic fund、Food subsidy、Difficulty funding、Tuition and exemption policies such as tuition and exemption,Compulsory education phase of private school students fully enjoy the "two exemptions and one supplement" policy。Private schools should establish a sound prize (assistance) learning fund evaluation、Distribution and other management mechanisms,It should be extracted from the tuition fee income of not less than 5%of funds,Used to fund students with financial difficulties。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
   (13) Incentive policies such as implementation of taxes and fees。Private schools enjoy relevant tax preferential policies in accordance with relevant national regulations。Various schools run by enterprises、Real estate self -use in kindergarten、Land,Real estate tax、Tax use of land land。Investors are used in real estate for schools,Original real estate transfer to private school names without belonging to trading or exchange,Exempted land VAT and deed tax。Public welfare donation expenditures for enterprises to support education,According to the tax law,,Part of the annual profit within 12%,Facing deductions when calculating the taxable income amount; public welfare donation expenditure for individuals support education,The relevant provisions of the tax laws, regulations and policies are deducted before the personal income tax。Non -profit private schools enjoy the same treatment as public schools,After the tax exemption is identified in accordance with the tax law,Enterprise income tax for non -profit income。Donation of school buildings and launching commendation funding and other activities to respect the wishes of donors in accordance with the law。(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Resource Planning Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (14) Implement differentiated land policy。Construction land for private schools is managed by educational land。Non -profit private schools enjoy the same policy of public schools,Supply of land by allocation and other methods。Private private schools supply land according to the corresponding national policy。There is only one intention to use land,Can be provided by the agreement。Land users apply for application to change all or part of the land use,The government shall recover the land that has changed the application for changing the purpose,Prices on time price,Re -supply in accordance with the law。Get land in non -educational land,Registration is non -profit、Asset transfer to school name、For running school,Under the premise of meeting urban planning,Land users can apply for the nature of the land。(Responsible unit: Municipal Resource Planning Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (15) Classified charging policy。Non -profit private private middle vocational education and pre -school pre -school education charges all implement market adjustments,The charging standard is based on the cost of running school and the degree of public education guarantee、Determination of the development needs of private schools,copy price、Education administrative department and execute them after publicity。Non -profit private primary and secondary school charges,The municipal government is in the direction of marketization,Determine the price management form according to the actual situation of Xi'an,From price、Education administrative department implemented in detail。Prosperous private school charges implement market adjustment price,The charging standard is independently determined by various private schools。City、District price、Education administrative department shall strengthen the supervision of private school charges,Strict investigation and punishment of violations of education charging policies,Independent project chaos charges、Failure to publicize in accordance with regulations、Price fraud and other random charges。(Responsible unit: 188bet review Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (16) Guarantee school in accordance with the law。Expansion of private vocational school professional setting autonomy,Encourage the school to follow the needs of national strategy and regional industrial development,Set up and adjust the discipline in accordance with laws and regulations。Private primary and secondary schools under the premise of completing the national regulations,It can carry out educational and teaching activities。Private kindergartens can be autonomous in accordance with laws and regulations、Scientific development of conservation activities。Support private schools to participate in the examination enrollment system reform。Middle -level private schools according to the country、Provincial、City、Relevant regulations on districts and counties,Within the approved school scale,Recruitment for the society with local public schools for the same period。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
    (17) Improve the social maintenance agent guarantee mechanism。Improve school、Personal、The social security mechanism of private schools with a reasonable division of the government。Private schools shall pay social 188bet mobile app android insurance premiums and housing provident funds in full to faculty and staff in accordance with the nature of classified registration,Encourage private schools to apply for vocational annuity insurance for vocational annuity in accordance with regulations,Improve the level of social insurance payment level of private school teachers。Implementing the continuation policy of cross -regional social insurance relationship transfer,Service policies for improving the personnel agency system and household registration of private school teachers。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Public Security Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (18) Guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students。Teachers of private schools are qualified for definition、Job Evaluation、Training Training、Evaluation and commendation and other aspects with the same rights as teachers of public schools。Non -profit private school teachers enjoy the same talent introduction policy of local public schools。Private school students are evaluating the award and evaluation、Employment of further studies、Social preferential treatment and other students with similar public schools at the same level enjoy the same rights。Implement the right to know the management of teachers and students in private schools in accordance with the law、Participation right,The right to guarantee teachers and students to participate in democratic management and democratic supervision。Improve the dispute between teachers and students in private schools,Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Science and Technology Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
   4. Accelerate the construction of modern school system
  (19) Improve school legal person governance。Private schools must formulate articles of association,Management school according to charter。Improve Directors (Directors) Meeting、Supervisory Board、Management is the legal person governance structure system of the main structure,Formation of decision、Execution、Institutional mechanism that supervises effective operation。Director (Director) Meeting、The Supervisory Committee fulfills the rights and obligations of running school and management in accordance with the school's articles of association。Directors (Directors) should optimize personnel composition,by the organizer or its representative、President、The person in charge of the party organization、Teaching and staff representatives, etc.,More than one -third of which directors (directors) should have more than five years of education and teaching experience。Members of the leadership team of party organizations should be。Explore the implementation of independent directors (directors)、Supervisor System。Improve the participation of party organizations to participate in the decision -making system,Actively promote "two -way entry、Cross -term ",Members of the school party organization leaders enter the school decision -making agency and administrative management agency through legal procedures,The president of the Communist Party of China、Vice -Presidents and other administrative institutions can enter the leadership team of party organizations in accordance with the relevant regulations of the party。School party organizations should support school decision -making institutions and principals to exercise their powers in accordance with the law,Urges it to govern religions in accordance with the law、Specification Management。Improve the principal's selection mechanism,Directors (Directors) will be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the school articles of association,Refer to the condition of the president of the principal of the same kind of public schools at the same class,Guarantee the principal to exercise power independently。Principal of private schools should be familiar with education and related laws and regulations,With more than 5 years of education management experience and good school running performance,Good personal credit status。School key management positions implement relative avoidance system。Improve the faculty and staff congress、Student Congress and Trade Union System,Guarantee faculty and staff participating in the school's democratic management and democratic supervision。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
    (20) Improve asset management and financial accounting system。Private schools should clarify the relationship between property rights,Establish a sound asset management system。The organizers of private schools shall fulfill their investment obligations in accordance with the law,The land that will be invested in school runs、School buildings and other assets are fully transferred to the school name。During the duration,Private schools are in the assets of the organizer into the school、State -owned assets、The gift of the gift and the accumulation of school enjoy the right to the property of the legal person,No organization or individual may occupy、Improved、Escape。Further regulate the accounting accounting of private schools,Establish and improve the third -party audit system。Private schools should make financial accounting reports at the end of each accounting year,Entrusted accounting firms to audit in accordance with the law,Annive results。Non -profit private schools according to the registered legal person attribute,Implement the corresponding accounting system in accordance with relevant national regulations,Promotional private schools implement the "Enterprise Accounting System",Follow the "Corporate Accounting Guidelines"。Private schools should clarify financial management,Establish an accounting account book in accordance with the law。Private schools should contribute to the organizer、Government subsidy、Gift、Paid、Classification of assets such as running school accumulation registered,Regular asset inspection,and announce the results of the inspection to the society。The financial department must be educated together、Human Resources、Audit、Price and other relevant departments strengthen the supervision of the financial status of private schools。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Audit Bureau、188bet review Municipal Development and Reform Commission,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (21) Standardize school running behavior。Private schools must be honest and trustworthy、Standardized running school。The conditions for running the school should meet the setting standards and relevant requirements stipulated by the state and local regulations。Strict school license and legal person registration system,All those who have not obtained a private school running permit and legal person certificate are all illegal schooling for social enrollment,It should be investigated and punished according to law。All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone must effectively assume the supervision responsibility of standardizing school running,Strengthen the supervision of the behavior and enrollment behavior of private schools。Private primary and secondary schools must actively assume social responsibility,Strictly enroll in accordance with the approval plan,The number of students in the school must be controlled within the scale of running approved by the approval authority。It is strictly forbidden for the illegal examination,"Tips" enrollment。Admissions and advertisements of private schools must go to the approval authority to perform after -the -case formalities。Private schools with qualifications qualifications for academic education,Student management should be done in accordance with relevant national regulations,Students enrolled academic education,Graduation Certificate for the Executive Experience of the Study Period,If you fail to meet the requirements of education education, issue a certificate of completion or other academic certificates。Various private schools are recruited non -academic education students,issue a certificate of completion or training qualified certificate。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (22) Implementing safety management responsibilities。The legal representative of private schools is the first responsible person in the school's safety and stability。Private schools should abide by relevant national security laws、Regulations and rules,Strengthen campus safety work,Ensure that the construction of the campus safety technology prevention system meets the relevant national and local standards,School site selection and school building buildings are in line with national earthquake resistance、Related standards for fire technology。Establish a sound safety management system and emergency mechanism,Develop and improve emergency plans for emergencies,Regular safety inspections、Inspection,Timely discover and eliminate hidden safety hazards。Strengthen the safety education and training of students and faculty staff,Regularly carry out class、Bate、Safety exercises in different scenes such as lunch break,Improve teachers and students' safety awareness and escape self -rescue ability。Establish a safe work organization,Equipped with internal security defense staff of the school,Clarify the responsibilities of safety work。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Public Security Bureau、City Housing Construction Bureau、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、City Fire Detachment,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)    (23) Determine school positioning。Encourage the hosting of inclusive private kindergartens,Adhere to scientific education,Prevent and correct the phenomenon of "primary schoolization"。Primary and secondary schools should implement national curriculum plan and curriculum standards,Adhere to the high -quality development of characteristics of running schools,Meeting diversified needs。Secondary vocational schools should clarify talent training and position,Service Regional economy and industrial development,Deepen the integration of production and education、School -enterprise cooperation,Improve the level of technology and skill talent training。Give full play to the improvement of private education system、Constructing a positive role in a learning society。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone) 5、Improve the quality of education and teaching
  (24) Strengthen the construction of the teacher team。City、District and county education departments and private schools should take the construction of teachers as an important task for improving the quality of education and teaching,Integrated into the teacher team construction plan。Private schools must focus on strengthening the ideological and political work of teachers,Establish a sound education、Publicity、Assessment、A long -term mechanism of teacher moral construction combined with supervision and rewards and punishments,Comprehensive improvement of teachers' morality。Private schools should arrange a certain percentage of funds for teacher training。Care about teachers' work and life,Raise teachers' wages and benefits,Attract various types of high -level talents to teach in private schools。Explore the establishment of a private school teacher exchange system,Encourage public schools and teachers of private schools to exchange teaching、Reasonable flow。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)    (25) Introduction to cultivate high -quality educational resources。Encourage supporting high -level private schools to cultivate high -quality courses、Teachers、Management,Overall improvement of education and teaching quality,Focus on creating a group of influential and competitive private education brands,Cultivate a batch of ideals、There is a realm、Emotional、A responsible private educator。Encourage private and private、Public and public schools develop regional、Cooperation and communication between schools,Construction and sharing high -quality educational resources。Encourage private running secondary vocational schools and similar schools in the world in the discipline、Professional、Curriculum construction and talent training。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
    6. Improve management service level
 (26) Improve government management method。All districts and county governments、Development Zone Management Committee and relevant municipal departments must actively change their functions,Reduce pre -approval,Strengthen the supervision of the event,Improve government management service level。Further cleaning up administrative licenses involving private 188bet review education,Power list to the society、List of Responsibility,It is strictly forbidden to foreign ownership。Improvement license method,Simplified license process,Clear working time limit,Standardize administrative license work。Setting standards for private schools refer to the setting standard execution of similar public schools at the same level,The setting standards and procedures of other private education institutions are formulated by the approval authority。Implement a negative list of school access access to national private schools in accordance with the law,List the school behavior of prohibited and restrictions,Implementing a single supervision。It is not prohibited to enter and does not damage third -party interests、The field of public interest and national security,The government must not limit。Establish a private education management information system,Promote electronic government affairs and online services,Gradually realize daily management matters online parallel bidding,Timely and actively disclose administrative approval items,Improve service efficiency,Accept social supervision。(Responsible unit: Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau、Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (27) Improve the supervision and management mechanism。Strengthen the construction of private education management institutions,Strengthen the supervision of private education,Improve the annual report and annual inspection system of private schools。Strengthen the qualification review of the newly established private school organizers。Improve the financial accounting system of private schools、Internal control system、Audit Supervision System,Strengthen risk prevention。Establish a private school information disclosure system,For private schools obtaining school permits、Daily Supervision and Inspection、Implement supervision and evaluation situation、Award and punishment、Credit records and other information to record,Publicly open to the society。Incorporate illegal schools and its organizers and leaders into the "blacklist",Improve the joint law enforcement mechanism,Increase the investigation and punishment of illegal and illegal schools。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、City Big Data Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (28) Give play to the role of industry organization。Actively cultivate the private education industry organization,Support industry organizations in industry self -discipline、Exchange and cooperation、Coordinated Innovation、Performing social responsibility and other aspects to play the role of bridges and bonds。Relying on various professional institutions to carry out private school consulting services。Support private education associations and other industry organizations and other education intermediary organizations are guiding private schools to adhere to public welfare school、Innovative talent training mode、Improve the quality of talent training and exert its role。Private education industry organizations must follow market laws and education laws,Efforts to provide high -quality services。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
  (29) Scientific formulation of private education development plan。All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of the Development Zone should incorporate the development of private education into the overall planning of economic and social development and education,Strengthening system construction、Standard formulation、Policy Implementation、Coordinated coordination and other work,Actively promote the reform and development of private education。(Responsible unit: district and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,The Management Committee of each Development Zone,188bet review Municipal Development and Reform Commission、City Education Bureau)
    7. Establish security measures
  (30) Establish a department coordination mechanism。Municipal Government establishes led by the Municipal Education Bureau,Municipal Party Committee Editor Office、188bet review Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau、Municipal Public Security Bureau、Civil Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau、Municipal Resource Planning Bureau、City Housing Construction Bureau、Municipal Taxation Bureau、The joint meeting system participated in the market supervision bureau and other departments,Coordinate solving key difficulties in the development of private education,Constantly improving institutional policies,Optimize the development environment of private education。All districts and county governments、The Management Committee of Xixian New District、The management committee of each development zone should also establish a corresponding department coordination mechanism。 
  (31) Incorporate the development of private schools into the assessment。The municipal government will encourage the support of social forces to establish education as the district and county governments、The Management Committee of Xixian New District、The important content of the annual target responsibility assessment of the management committee of each development zone。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、City Evaluation Office)
(32) Effectively strengthen publicity guidance。Vigorously promote the comprehensive reform of private education,Encourage all places and schools to try first,Learn and learn from the successful practices and advanced experience of pilot regions and schools in comprehensive reform of private education。Increase the publicity of private education,In accordance with relevant national regulations, the collective and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the reform and development of private education in accordance with relevant national regulations,Establish a good social image of private education,Efforts to create a common concern for the whole society、Good atmosphere of supporting social forces to set up education。(Responsible unit: Municipal Education Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau,All districts and county governments,The Management Committee of Xixian New District,Management Committee of each Development Zone)
                                                                                                                                               Xi'an People's Government
                                                                                                                                              April 28, 2019
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Address: East Tower, South District, No. 18, Yudou Road, Yanda District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province 
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